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Everything posted by SteveCrisis

  1. I work alongside an ex-Celtic player (Gary Nicol) and he and I were of the opinion that last night's game sucked all round. Am I the only one who thinks that Gatusso bore a striking resemblance to Morrissey's old drummer Deano Butterworth? Still... the return leg should be interesting.
  2. Explosions In The Sky April 17th, Glasgow ABC
  3. Fuck that!Ordering Campari and soda would guarantee dental re-arrangement and a protracted hospital stay. If not your bloated corpse floating out to sea.
  4. Three reasons why Preston got what he deserved and is an eternal cunt: Being in a cream puff after Amstell does his introduction. Trying to defend himslef for having appeared on Celebrity Big Brother (I thought that Amstell, Bailey and Jupitus would go for the jugularat that point. You've got to admit that he was a petty prick and the ribbing he got about Cuntelle was relatively tame. Christ! Anthea Turner received more abuse than that and, as much as I dislike the squeaky clean scifuzza, she did get a bit more respect from me) Fronting the Ordinary Boys.
  5. Anal Cunt Fudge Tunnel Butthole Surfers Gaye Bikers On Acid Stanford Prison Experiment
  6. Now there was a class comedienne. Josie Lawrence was one of my favourites too.
  7. I had slight reservations about this film before I went in to see it on Saturday. It's very intense, very brutal in a some scenes and some shocking statistics at the end of the film. Oh, and DiCaprio's Rhodesian accent is very convincing.
  8. Maybe in the heart of the city centre but as soon as you get on to main roads intersecting dual carriageways then the road conditions deteriorate. North Anderson drive Feb 2006, an articulated lorry couldn't get any traction trying to turn on to Hill of Rubislaw. The airport bus faired no better. It's just the same old story of the city and shire councils not deploying the gritters and ploughs in the advent of snow. The fact that a majority of drivers have the same tyres on all year round and are so shit-scared to be driving in snow adds to the traffic crawling at a snail's pace. Invest in some winter radials. Better grip in shitty conditions, but still no contest for black-ice and that sugar slush shit.
  9. Monty Python Not The Nine O'Clock News Alas Smith & Jones Three Of A Kind The Young Ones The Man From Auntie (Ben Elton before he became uber wank) Blackadder The Smell Of Reeves & Mortimer Big Train Jam Fist Of Fun (and other Lee & Herring programs) The Mary Whitehouse Experience Spitting Image Naked Video Absolutely Jam Nighty Night Spaced Black Books Peep Show Father Ted The Craig Ferguson Theory The Mitchell & Webb Situation The Mitchell & Webb Look Derek & Clive Red Dwarf Brass Eye (anything done by Chris Morris & Armando Ianucci) and that's about all I can think of at the moment which I've enjoyed throughout the years
  10. Beastie Boys - B-Boys Makin' With The Freak Freak
  11. SteveCrisis

    Your current read?

    Excession by Iain M Banks for the umpteenth time. I seem to be going through a bit of a sci-fi phase at the moment.
  12. Radiohead - There, There If that's not permissable then: Brian Eno - There Is Nobody
  13. Just been on E-bay and don't fancy being bum raped for ticket(s) for this. Will pay above face value (within reason). PM me please. Cheers Steve
  14. When I say invited I mean invited. I had my application form submitted, reviewed and seconded and was called up for interview prior to initiation. When the joining fee and yearly subscriptions were mentioned I had to decline as I simply couldn't afford it.
  15. Jello Biafra with No Means No - The Sky is Falling and I Want My Mommy
  16. Bare Naked Ladies - Falling For The First Time
  17. There's always the Northern Star if you're so keen to join. I got invited to be a Mason but declined - there was no way I was going to felate a goat.
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