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Everything posted by SteveCrisis

  1. So back to Go West by The Village People Big Country - Flame of the West
  2. As much as I idolise the MozFather he'll have to go a long way to beat Bucks Fizz
  3. True that's the chances, the odds are very different. I'll have to ask my Tote consultant exactly what they are:up:
  4. I think it's back to mine. I should have typed: Cowbow Junkies - 'cause Cheap Is How I Feel
  5. 'cause Cheap Is How I Feel - Cowboy Junkies
  6. I freely admit that I like the programme. And I think Noel Edmonds is a suitable presenter for it.
  7. Music-wise the only gig I'm going to so far is Aereogramme in Feb at the Glasgow Classic Grand. Phil Cool in February Derren Brown in June
  8. I don't just love my job I abuse it too. I leave it at the end of each day and return to it the following morning. I abandon it on a Friday and see how it faired without me on a Monday morning while I have a brilliant, self-indulgent weekend. If my job's very lucky sometimes it gets my undivived attention and then it's lunch!
  9. I always have time for Aberdeen-Music:up: How else is my productivity going to improve?
  10. On the first day amphetamines, cocaine and caffeine were created and consumed. then he got to work. On the Sabbath he was on a bit of a comedown so Sunday Roasts were established and Sunday afternoon snoozes became compulsory.
  11. I'm a glory hunting Taig-Fenianbastard-Celtic bhoy and also an Arsenal fan with a soft spot for Aberdeen and a proud Scotland fan. Cannot abide Rangers, Hearts and Killie for obvious and personal reasons. Thoroughly detest Man Utd and Chelsea
  12. I'd rather it was Howling Mad Murdock And to welcome him in to the house would be George Galloway. 'Hello again Sadam. Not only do I admire your indefatigibility, but where did you get that silk kerchief? It is most stylish. Where do you store it, on a rack?'
  13. (Baby) Don't Let It Mess Your Mind - Neil Sedaka
  14. So who are the Z-List celebs this time round? Wasn't it rumoured that Jeffrey Archer was going to be one of the contestants?
  15. I started a new job today. A double whammy of getting over the festivities and being the newbie and to cap it all I've been thrown in at the deep end!
  16. So Hog... Did the gravy granules do the trick? Peptobismol is abysmal, Bovril is the best! Great gig last night! Really enjoyed it. Jake and I ended up in Exodus and I got rather steamboats
  17. Well I didn't want to make the obvious Peter Sutcliffe/Jack The Ripper connotations. The perp obviousoly wants to get caught otherwise he would have gone to Dead Hooker Storage for all your dead prozzie needs
  18. I chose her. I was away to say 'did' her, but then if I admitted that I'd have no choice but to dismember the old boy
  19. What? They got a front bottom that's blessed with good fortuneo_O Does that give 'What a stroke of luck' any credence?
  20. 'Aberdeen are playing at home' and 'A visit from the cardinal' were two of my ex's terms for her monthly menstrual miserabilism
  21. Bible John strikes again? Only this time south of the border?
  22. Forgot a special occasion? Left it until the last minute? Worry not. Your greeting cards concerns are now over. Just print from the link: Tesco Value Cards
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