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Everything posted by SteveCrisis

  1. Her holiest of holies had vocal cords?o_O
  2. Radiohead's performane on Jools Holland Presents when Amnesiac was released
  3. Ha! My frieNds and I went on a bit of a pub crawl. We bumped in to a crowd of people I used to work with who were out on a leaving do. Lost all track of time and had the mother of hangovers to prove it on the Saturday:puke:
  4. Hard to choose. I'd have to break it down by either act, artist or genre.
  5. Toss up between Blessed Are The Sick and Covenant
  6. Pete Sandoval unless he's left and they've got a new one (it's been a while since I listened to them). 1. Brendan Canty - Fugazi 2. John Stainer - Helmet, now Tomahawk 3. Martin Bullock - Mogwai 4. DH Peligro - Dead Kennedys 5. Charlie Benante - Anthrax Keith Moon goes without saying.
  7. You won this time, puny mortal! And I fail again. I guess my parents were right, I'll always be a failure. I guess it's time to start looking for a new job. But maybe you can help me so that I'll do better next time. In the form below, enter your character and a yes/no question that I can use to guess the character. For example, if you were pretending to be Gilligan from Gilligan's Island, and I guessed that you were the Skipper from Gilligan's Island, a good yes/no question would be "Are you thin?" or "Do you often break things?". Please please please try to make your question as general as possible. This was for Emperor Hirohito.
  8. Well, I win this round. You are player number 3 to pick Ghengis Khan from Mongolia, and what a clever choice it was! You almost had me for a while, but you let your guard down. Don't worry, it happens to all of us sooner or later. Please play again, and next time I'll be ready for you, Ghengis Khan from Mongolia.
  9. He's Simple, He's Dumb, He's The Pilot - Grandaddy
  10. Stairheid rammy teuch keech stobe crabbit poke (as in a poke o' chips) skelf (nice wee word for splinter) and as it's the Festive Season I could murder a wee DRAM
  11. Welcome To The Pleasure Dome - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
  12. As long as you do the original and best justice:up: YouTube - The Goonies Truffle Shuffle by Chunk UNMODIFIED!
  13. It was a combination double whammy of trapped wind and severe indigestion, and a viral infection. Lovely.
  14. Even stinky ones? Or even the teethed variety, you know the vicious ones?
  15. If only that appeared on this Alan Partridge Sound Board www.alan-partridge.co.uk/multimedia/soundclips/soundboards/alan%20partridge.swf
  16. In stark contrast to all previous posts I've been damn lucky. Three x-rays for badly sprained ankles as a kid. One overnight stay for a poisoned foot and several dermatological tests which resulted in me missing out on a school trip to Switzerland. Having an abcess lanced under GA becase it was so close to my carotid artery. Another overnight stay for a suspected heart-attack at the age of 21. Rushed to hospital in New York suffering severe heat-stroke (thank fuck for travel insurance!). The upshot was that a barmaid from the hotel came to visit me and gave me a spectacular blowjob.:] One particular episode stands out with my father. He'd just recovered from majory kidney surgery and was walking round the ward getting his strength back. All of a sudden a few of his stitches began to unravel, the tube to his colostomy bag, if you could call it that, disconnected and the colostomy bag burst. The smell of unfiltered piss and kidney discharge is not pleasant.
  17. I'd rather be hung like one than look like one though...
  18. Let me run this by you... Puh-leeze! No! The next person who says that to me will get it fired back at them with a 'just shut the fuck up' as a qualifier.
  19. Speaking of things Francaise, what about Jean De Florette and Manon Des Sources?
  20. Is that a vegetable you can strangle people with?
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