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Everything posted by SteveCrisis

  1. I am guilty as charged but I don't think I use them in a patronising way. At least I hope not. When I say boss, chief or squire it's usually to someone I know quite well. Think I'll stop using them now...
  2. I feel that homophobia is as unacceptable as racism. Yes, I'm guilty of using such utterances as 'What a whining slack-jawed faggot' and 'It's a bit gay' but this is always used as derision towards someone or something that irritates or uninspires me. And I will admit that I find really camp gay guys can annoy me but not to the point that I'm completely intolerant and go on a gay-bashing rampage. I know a number of gay people (male and female) and, believe me, they can be quite effusive with the use homosexual synonyms in general. I do not imply that all gays are like this, just the ones I know. When one of them confronted a person he referred to as a 'mincing queer' he told the guy 'It's fags like you that give gays a bad name.' He admitted he stole that line from an episode of The Shield and was dying for an excuse to use it! The topic of homosexuality and gay weddings was being discussed in the office a while ago. My boss, a born again christian, was quite vehement in his stance that it was morally wrong, inhuman and that they should all burn in hell for their actions. When I argued that a person's sexuality, in my opinion, is predetermined at a genetic level and therefore perfectly natural I was given the cold shoulder treatment by him for well over a week. I don't care what a person's sexual orientation is as it doesn't bother me.
  3. DeWalt power tools are so much better. Plus they have less hand/arm vibration at top RPM which means no CPT/ligament damage dependent on the duration of your killing spree.
  4. I feel your pain. A young lass in my department uses that phrase constantly. She's an irritatingly numb, dumb and naive Buckie cunt. At the end of the day, I just want to pan her coupon in.
  5. I'm currently reading The Algebraist by Iain M Banks. Enjoyable as it is baffling I wonder what other Banks fans reckon his best works are under both his writing names. As Iain Banks, The Wasp Factory goes without saying but out of all of them Whit stands out as my particular favourite. As Iain M Banks, Against A Dark Background stood out a mile until I read Excession; undoubtedly the best Culture novel since Use Of Weapons. So what's yours?
  6. Get the two honeys from Verucca Salt to team up with L7 and it would be an interesting night indeed...
  7. http://www.rathergood.com/bunny_too_tight/
  8. Probably on E4 sometime next week I'd imagine.
  9. Aereogramme will be playing a bunch of dates in February in the UK and Europe following the release of "My Heart Has A Wish That You Would Not Go" released 29/01/07. Album announcement previously posted here: http://www.aberdeen-music.com/forums/showthread.php?t=39017 Tour Dates at time of being posted on sotu.co.uk are: Sun 4th, UK, Leeds, Josephs Well Mon 5th, UK, Manchester, Night & Day Tue 6th, UK, London, 93 Feet East Wed 7th, UK, Southampton, Joiners Thu 8th, UK, Oxford, Zodiac Sat 10th, UK, Nottingham, Social Sun 11th, UK, Birmingham, Bar Academy Mon 12th, UK, Glasgow, Classic Grand Wed 14th, Belgium, Brussels, vk club Thu 15th, Holland, Hertogenbosch, W2-concertzaal Fri 16th, Holland, Groningen, Vera Sat 17th, Holland, Haarlem, Patronaat Mon 19th, Germany, Mnchen, Backstage Werk Tue 20th , Germany, Nuernberg, Hirsch Wed 21st, Germany, Frankfurt, Batschkapp Thu 22nd, Germany, Bochum, Zeche Fri 23rd, Germany, Berlin, Postbahnhof Sun 25th, Germany, Hamburg, Markthalle Mon 26th, Germany, Cologne, Buergerhaus Stollwerck Tue 27th, Germany, Saarbruecken, Garage Wed 28th, Germany, Karlsruhe, Substage The Glasgow date's the week after my birthday (33 )and I am so there. My ticket was ordered today! Cannot fucking wait!!
  10. I really liked Lift when they were on the go. I think I saw them on a number of occasions. I'm still a little out of touch but is Arrowspeed still playing? Arrowspeed contains or contained a few members of Lift.
  11. No takers? Ah well. I'll try and sell it on the night.
  12. That'd be no problem. PM me to make arrangements
  13. Did anyone see this on Channel 4 on Tuesday night? I recorded it and watched it last night and found it quite an entertaining yet enlighteny documentary. It just went to show America's paranoia and Cuba's (especially Castro's) resistance and defiance. It came as a mild surprise to learn that under Nixon's presidency there were 184 plots against Castro but under Raegan there were 197.o_O
  14. Monsieur, with this Bum Sex you are really spoiling us. God I'm bored
  15. Will there be an aftershow party in Private Eyes or anywhere of that ilk?
  16. I've been guilty of that. :O First day, new job, and being told I'd need access to the O Drive. I should have known better, but I'm ended up hassling IT for access to something that was only called the O Drive because that's where it is on the boss's PC, the fucker didn't even tell me what the path was either. It didn't take 20 minutes for me to realise that but the guy in IT asked who my boss was. Once told I was given the response of 'Oh. That wanker.So it's the Procurment drive you need.'
  17. Shaki, time for your medication. Breathe deeply and think of cute fluffy bunny rabbits and lambs... ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY'VE BEEN CAUGHT IN BARBED WIRE AND ARE SLOWLY STRANGLING THEMSELVES TO DEATH When it's a brand new roll of the stuff and you can't find the leader edge?
  18. I despise people who parkin disabled spaces. But When my folks visit they usually do the favour of driving me to the supermarket so I can get a big food-shop out of the way. 5 or 6 times out of 10 my father parks in the parent and child spaces. Our get out clause? Technically, collectively, we are parents and child. Of course some whining maggot at Asda in Portlethen complained to us one day with the immortal words 'Excuse me...' When I told him that technically we were parents and child he threw an easily blocked punch at me calling me pathetic. I pointed out to him that that may be so but not nearly enough as him for being such a petty cunt in the first place for indicating that. Needless to say to avoid such altercations we now park as close as we can to the supermarket because we're a bunch of lazy sods.
  19. I'll hate myself for asking this but is 'Check-out' a new euphemism for women's bits and bobs?
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