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Rob Karloff

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Everything posted by Rob Karloff

  1. A month ago I'd have said to give Dr Drakes Bar a shout, but that ship has sailed now...
  2. I have a DSL50 which has eaten three output transformers for no apparent reason. At least Marshall replaced them all for no charge even though this was out of warranty due to my troubles when R&B did the first one and I was unhappy with their service. But, I lost faith and bought a 1986 JCM800 2203 Series II head, and since then the DSL has been relegated to "In case of emergency, break glass" status. I find that the 800 kicks it's ass in terms of volume, delivery and sheer tone. I used to have to use a pedal to drive it, but I did a few simple resistor changes and now play through it straight up. It's the be(a)st.
  3. How the fuck did I make it in here? I can be found most weekends looking rough and greasy and messing with cars. Very attractive to the female race, obviously.
  4. I think that I hate MP3s that have been burned to CD.... Grrr! Just hate how they sound. The band themselves are ok I guess, don't hate them, but have only listened to it the once which says a lot. Thanks though !!
  5. It's about daylight hours per year, not weather quality! I think we'd definately score hideously there.
  6. Damn, I thought this was going to be about a porno..
  7. Up on the news page at http://www.officialdamned.com/ Some acts you've maybe heard of, some you maybe haven't. I hope to have the Gin Goblins up here again to play a gig sometime soon with us, for those of you who missed them when they played at Dr Drakes.
  8. ESP Viper-301 in black, stock as a rock. Jackson Randy Rhoads RR1, originally red but I re-sprayed it black. Also fitted my own pre-amp to it's output. Eko flamenco acoustic, circa 1960s, bought by my Mum in Gibralter during her hippy chick phase. Marshall JCM2000 DSL 50 head Marshall JCM800 Series II 2203 head, somewhat hotrodded by me Fender 50th Anniversary 4x12 cab Marshall JCM800 Bass 4x12 cab TC Electronics G-Major processor Boss OD-2 pedal That's it I think. Only really use the Viper and JCM800 these days. Full on rock action!
  9. Yeah, but to be honest, if it's like any of the other Fudge stuff, it's gonna be late on it's expected date. So although he sez March 11th, I'm saying April sometime! Personally, I thought I'd over-dressed when I'd worn my 5 mouldy charity shop suite, shirt and blood.... How come only Shelly would embrace me?!
  10. A sadder day there never has been... :( So many people have put both their own personal time and, in some cases money, into the place.... It's a truly sad day for local music!! Every local band and many bands from far flung places owe the place and it's friendly, accomodating and understanding staff such a lot for their development and opportunity to play there. Biggest thanks have to go to Sharon, for working tirelessly to make sure the place always had a varied and interesting musical diversity most every night of every week!! Some will not remember back to the early days in the Castlegate, where Shaz could be found casually pulling a pint behind the bar while Cormak Dangerfield lay across it singing the words to "Wasted Again"!!! Many, many fond memories over the past few years, so glad I've annoyed/helped all the staff and people involved with the initial opening a couple of years back. Never will I forget being off work due to being badly beaten up in the legs department by a large tool chest falling on me at a race meeting, only to find myself teetering on a ladder somewhat in pain, trying to finish the wiring off!!! I think I even fell head first down the small steps from the balcony at one point when my legs decided they'd had enough, to be picked up by then-barmaid Lynn. In fact, I was up a ladder fixing the emergency exit light above the main entrace as the bands were loading in their gear for soundcheck on the opening night!!! So long Dr Drake and your minions, fangs for the memories...
  11. All I knows is at the time I had a girlfriend, and I don't sleep around. Can't say I was complaining about the meat of the review though...
  12. Sadly, you need to find your niche in the workplace before you get to be able to do what you want! When I worked for a certain oil co while at Uni, I used to get really pissed off about it all. I'd just not long had my nose and lip pierced, so I wore small retaining studs to work. My manager told me I was not allowed to have anything, I protested that you couldn't see the lip at all because of my beard, and the nose stud was no bigger or more obvious that the jeweled stud worn by another female member of staff. I needed the job and the money, so I had to relent and endure the fun aspect of putting them back in when I got home, which nipped somewhat as the holes would close up during the day. I eventually got a better job post-uni where they tolerated me looking how I wanted on a Friday, as long as I wasn't meeting a client (which I never really had to do). After three years, I am now valued enough to have started my own contracting business, and it's no longer an issue of how I look, but instead of how well I can do my job. I also am attempting to get a composites manufacturing business off the ground with a friend from Uni, and hope long term to work at that pretty much full time. I'll be my own boss, and can look how the hell I want, and if I ever need to employ anyone, then the same will apply to them. But, it's taken a long time to get to the point where my appearence is no longer important compared to the quality and speed of the work I do. Everyone has to start somewhere, and unless your skill is a niche thing, then he who pays the cash makes the rules!
  13. You want them? They'd likely be up for some lesbian action... hehee
  14. Notice how she didn't post the exclusive link....
  15. Sorry Biz, we have a gig in Birmingham on Saturday night Hopefully see you tomorrow night at our gig though, buy you a couple in advance!!
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