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Rob Karloff

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Everything posted by Rob Karloff

  1. Rob Karloff

    fudge awards

    I haven't been in Bonesaw in over a year, ya dolt! Methinks Bonesaw are on course for their catagory, which presumably means ya gonna fix the "Best Extreme Act" this year, based on your comment...
  2. Sounds like a riot dude! Dr Drakes, naturally...??
  3. I'm presuming the "Cos" part stands for something? So, is it now "cool" to do this and go to these conventions, but you're a geek if you dress up as a Star Trek character and go to one of those conventions? Complicated stuff. To be honest, I'd find the girls hotter if they weren't dressed up as computer game characters.
  4. He's truely a cunt if he has the luxury of sleeping past 1pm at his age....
  5. I'm giving you a "jovial ribbing", Samtex.... Tongue firmly in cheek!
  6. They are pretty dead... Especially the frontman-guy. Besides, most of their gigs are anyway. HAHA!
  7. Rob Karloff

    fudge awards

    Typical Fudge. Pull your finger out! I reckon this years venue should be the infamous "Peep Peeps" bar. How classy.
  8. Pull the other one. And blast it out your overdraft while yer at it! Taking bets on the next DFs Wasp Boy appearence now....
  9. I think most people believe that being signed means having a record label pay you to write, record and perform your music, while they work to make it more visible to Joe Public and get you gigs. I believe that the truth is closer to not earning anything from your music until you have paid off all the recording costs, etc, etc! Be realistic when you think about "Being Signed", all is not what it seems...
  10. And he's a stand-up bloke as well. Did he teach you how to booze too?!
  11. It's all great stuff. If you like Ramones style tunes and riffs with an AC/DC edge, they're your band.
  12. Rob Karloff

    fudge awards

    That's just an excuse. If you were up at that time, then you should have been working. Personally, I'd have thought it was a bad idea to give ANYTHING to a bunch of drunkards in a nicely painted venue. You saw what happened to the food/roadcones/etc last time... Maybe you should give away those plastic bib things that kiddies wear when they eat... Tommy Tippie?? Craig could use one to catch the JD and Coke that misses his mouth. Or maybe dummies...? Might shut up some of the "full of opinion" band folk in the scene. Wouldn't work on me though, I'm well practised at spitting the dummy!
  13. Len "Atom" Wiltshire gets my vote. He never looks like he's even trying, always super composed, hardly breaks sweat, and is always spot on. Mark of a good drummer, methinks. He's 1/6th the reason that Atom are such a top notch band!
  14. We do try, you know. Thanks fer coming along el-bobino
  15. Woohoo! Me and the girlie will be there for that, definately.
  16. Why not just make them? Go to Retro Rebels and find a necklace or something with the right size of 8ball, buy it, take it apart and drill the right sized hole in so it fits tightly onto the control shaft of the pots.
  17. Whomsoever feels that they once made that form of comment. Let's not stray too far from the topic. I was merely pointing out that I agreed with Bob in that a casual visitor to their site may be put off by the many roundings on MMW through these forums. And attempting to show that the opinions of some board users are sometimes wide of the reality. In short, nice MMW website, fully understand why they want to distance it from these forums and their users.
  18. Quite. If you listen to some of the local keyboard jockey music "experts", then Karloff are nothing more than a novelty punk band. Thankfully opinion from gigs outwith Aberdeen and CD sales have more than proved those people incorrect. But then again, Slipknot do alright, eh?
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