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Rob Karloff

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Everything posted by Rob Karloff

  1. Doors at the Lemon Tree for the Karloff and Black Atom CD launch party are 9pm, with the Dangerfields (http://www.thedangerfields.com/) hitting the stage first at 9:30pm. Double Jack (http://www.doublejack.co.uk/) will follow them, then the mighty Black Atom (http://www.blackatom.co.uk/) and finally Karloff (http://www.kultkarloff.com/) to close out the night. Black Atom and Karloff also make their in-store appearence gig at One-Up at 1pm tomorrow. Sadly the Black Atom CD will not be available at that point (see Black Atom forum for details), but they have been assured it will be available at the Lemon Tree later that night. The Karloff mini-album "Self Made Monsters" will be on-sale at One-Up during the performance.
  2. No way... Hella sucks. But, a nice colourful "Self Made Monsters" CD would be just as good a way to spend your hard-earned cash, Atomites...
  3. http://www.kultkarloff.com/ http://www.blackatom.co.uk/ http://www.doublejack.co.uk/ http://www.thedangerfields.com/ Also, do come along to One Up at 1pm this Friday, and witness the special, no holds barred, electrifying, invigorating, rejuvinating in-store performances of KARLOFF and the mighty Black Atom. 2 big bands, 1 small record shop, amps on 11, your senses on 100.
  4. Fancy pulling me down a copy? I only have it on VHS, and I'd like to put it on DVD sometime to go with my Bad News/More Bad News DVD PS : *come to the gig*
  5. Is that growing or groaning...?! Vive le Dr Drakes!
  6. For gawds sake, Fudge. How can you "take a break" from years of taking a break..?!?!?!
  7. You mean you guys didn't get any from Captain Tom? It's a bit late now, but I'll try and get hold of him.
  8. A kiss anywhere, surely. I've *seen* what that Griswold feller gets up to of an evening in the pub.... In the words of the Misfits : "Youuuuuu, you don't go in the bay-throom, wittttt him."
  9. But you'd go down in history as "The girl who died for Black Atom and Karloff, launching their careers in stratospheric fashion!". How neat would that be? But you might go down in the Lemon Tree staff's memories as "The girl who bled all over the carpet, forcing us to hire in cleaners and buy new clothes.". To be honest, as long as Mac doesn't attempt any on-stage comedy, I don't think you'll be dieing any time soon...
  10. See the opportunity, take the opportunity.... Did I mention about the 4 kickass bands playing at the launch night in the Lemon Tree? Or the 1pm One-Up instore?
  11. I've had the same with my DSL50 I bought from them. It has eaten 3 output transformers in the past 4 years, the last 2 replaced by Marshall free of charge after some severe ranting and raving from me. I now have a 2203 that I've modded for more gain which I use as my primary amp, and carry the DSL only in case of emergency. The 2203 also has much better tone, as you folks who buy our new "Self Made Monsters" mini-album on Friday 13th will testify...
  12. Bugger. My next intended musical purchase is a brand spanking ESP Viper, and there is no way I'm giving my cash to R&B due to past debachles. Sounding good though Shauney!
  13. Did you think the date was an accident...? Pay no attention to the pentagram inked on the floor when you go in, or to the sacrifical maiden, etc....
  14. Betty Blowtorch (think Nashville Pussy but all-female) L7 Lunachicks The Slits Girlschool (ok, they are a rock band really) etc
  15. Monitors too. The guy in Belfast at the Limelight had a rare old time keeping them loud enough for the guys without everything feeding back like hell. They somehow managed it after 10 or 15 minutes, and then it was like "DON'T TOUCH A THING!!".
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