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Everything posted by Delboy1969

  1. I gotta agree, I just found a tactic on the fm forums for 13 and was within the prem league in under 10 seasons with relatively little difficulty but this i am liking a lot more. Am under severe pressure now, got hauled in the chairman's office after a 5-2 tanking by Woking and they are not happy with me! Thing is we were 1-0 up at half time and all over them. It does get frustrating not being able to hold on to leads though but working on things, just hope I can keep my job as still not won away in the league!
  2. not finding this game as easy as fm13, first season pushed for play offs and had on paper a piss easy run in against sides scrapping against relegation but i fucked it up and finished 9th... got to the fa trophy final only to be humbled by Eastleigh of the Skrill South (who did I suppose go up as champions). So into season 2 and I thought I had done some nifty business but sadly alas it was a false dawn, not won away in 8 attempts and whilst home form is better am sitting in a lowly 17th position, just not in relegation zone on goal difference. No problem scoring but by fuck my defence is leaky! Luckily expectations are not too high and am expected to finish mid table. However a few games ago I got that dreaded a bad result could seal my fate message in my e mails. Luckily for me dicked Gateshead 5-1 to ease the pressure....
  3. Not tearing up any trees in the conference first season but I do tend to rely on most the squad I already have (made just two loan signings and my loan keeper has signed to come permanent in transfer window) as I just wanna get on with the game. 10th after 21 games but only 6 points off the play offs. The nicked tactic seems ok but gonna try do some wheeling and dealing in the transfer window which is opening in a couple of weeks. Club is in serious financial trouble so not much cash to play with but still in FA Cup, made it to second round where I have Wolves at home so that will earn a few quid. For a change as I think promotion is a big ask with this squad, gonna go all out and try and win the FA Trophy! Enjoying the general feel of the game, some nice new features and looking good!
  4. He surely is going to go after that.... apparently he earns 3 million euros a year though ha ha ha!
  5. finally got it up and running, as usual gone Cambridge and also as usual have nicked a tactic from the FM forums.... couldn't load the one which bode me so well on the last game so got meself a new one, its a mega attacking one so gonna try and fire my way out the conference. No money to get in players but got a pretty big squad with cover in all areas but will try and raid the loan market as spent my small amount of the wage budget left to get in some backroom staff.... bring it on!
  6. Oh dear another defeat for Man Utd at home to Swansea. Old Trafford certainly is not a fortress no more.
  7. got the game now but left it home for the weekend whilst over the girlfriend's doh! will fire up tomorrow night and give it a go as my beloved Cambridge predictably...
  8. Full time for Portuguese footy legend Eusebio,,,, http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/25611509
  9. I am sure I am not alone but whenever I read about a famous death my first initial thought if he/she wasn't on the list is 'why didn't I pick them you stupid knob'
  10. news just filtered through it is serious and life threatening now, he has developed a cerebral hemmorrhage
  11. Michael Schumacher is fighting for his life tonight after his skiing accident today but doubt he was on anyone's list
  12. yeah just seen it, no surprises there apart from how long it took that crazy owner to fire him!
  13. Have finally given up FM 2013 and today purchased 14 despite the dodgy reviews as it was 17 quid on Amazon and I had some Christmas vouchers to spend. Achieved everything I wanted to at club level apart from winning the Premier League title with my beloved Cambridge United. Decided to give it one last shot - played the reserves in both domestic cup competitions and champions league resulting in early exits domestically but still made quarter finals of champs league - but was still thwarted to 2nd place for the third season running!!!
  14. it costs less than a tenner to buy the dvd on amazon.
  15. Gotta agree with you there, my favourite single of the year by far. Enjoyed the album, other favourites this year were by The Fall, My Bloody Valentine, Gary Numan and David Bowie.... hmmm you can tell I am getting old as they are all veteran artists ha ha!
  16. I don't hate Savage as much as a lot of people do but he can be irritating. Lawrenson has all but been dropped from the MOTD roster, have hardly seen him on a Sat show, hardly ever see MOTD 2 as usually tucked up in bed when it comes on so maybe he is on that a bit more. I remember reading he was gonna be used less this season. Shame as I always find him quite entertaining! It really is a wide open title race in the Prem League! You'd still have to fancy City though if they can pick up their away form.
  17. Yeah that QPR documentary is superb, they got through managers like Spinal Tap drummers. Great day of football in the Premier League, a very enjoyable Match Of The Day last night, even if the beeb decided to go for the terrible pundit duo of Shearer and Savage. Was funny watching Hughes getting all bitter and twisted at the sendings off. Lolpool aquitted themselves very well at City. Man U carried on a Fergie tradition by coming back from two down. Everton shot themselves in the foot losing at home to Sunderland. Meanwhile Cambridge set a new Conference record yesterday by maintaining their 100% home record with a reasonably comfortable home win against Braintree, 12 wins out of 12 in the league. Shame our nearest rivals all won as well. Need to sort out the dodgy away form as we have no home league games till the end of next month!
  18. This is nice no Boxing Day hangover as abstained from booze yesterday, a massive game against Braintree to look forward to, lunchtime kick off as live on BT Sport.
  19. put a provisional list for next year together having accepting another season of Europa League football for my squad, I think I am the Tottenham Hotspur of this Celebrity Death List lark!
  20. bloody hell it had been bugging me which band he was in! I didn't know him that well but knew him from my time working in Drummonds, he was always good company and I have fond memories of the time I spent with him.
  21. The pressure on managers these days is intense. A few bad results and you are out the door. Hell even some gooners want Wenger out! Good luck to Sherwood, hope does well.
  22. Heard on facebook he passed away today, A really lovely guy he will be missed.
  23. Bastard! Was on mine as well, think the title is yours now!
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