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Everything posted by Delboy1969

  1. oh thats who the middle one is! only took them 5 mins to start banging on about England!
  2. crikey that was short now I have to endure awful ITV coverage for over a fucking hour till kick off. and Pitbull.... oh deary deary me someone have him shot put the twat out of his misery!
  3. got a few Brahma's the Brazilian beer in, ooh so looking forward to tonight, I'd also go with 3-1 to Brazil. Losing or even drawing tonight is not an option!!!!
  4. Yes I would still like to swap so I can change my avatar to Roger Milla!!! which I shall do now....
  5. one might say a 'Brucie Bonus'..... coat well and truly got!
  6. I care even less now, I drew Italy in the work sweepstake today lol! Guess I am sticking with the Aussies, not expecting too much of them mind so anything is a bonus!
  7. genuinely sadden to hear of the passing of Rik Mayall, he was part of my childhood and his stuff with Edmondson was top notch.
  8. Just one day to go people, excited hell yeah! England's opening game is on the BBC, historically England usually do better when on the beeb and yes am clutching at straws! sadly the opening game and ceremony is on ITV, they really should never be allowed anywhere near football matches!
  9. As a mark of Brazilian expectation for the world cup, their fans booed and jeered them off the pitch because they only beat Serbia 1-0 in their final warm up match. Shouldn't affect big Phil's coolness though! A pretty uninspired final friendly for England not helped with the lengthy break. All I can conclude from the whole thing is that ITV should never be allowed anywhere near football matches... ever! Yes they do get stuck in those Hondurans!
  10. A sign things are on the up is a pre season tournament run like the Emirates Cup featuring West Ham, Espanyol and Shaktar Donesk... I am not making this up! West Ham are bringing their under 21's. As for the others we have been promised players with first team experience but still expect it to be mostly kids but looking forward to this nonetheless.
  11. actually would have preferred Ghana but they now gone, oh I am being an awkward sod here, never thought this through! Working on the goal celebration film Gladstone....
  12. yeah I want Cameroon!!!! Its ok Gladstone I fucking disgust myself! I remembered how annoying Aussies can be and also they have zilch chance of getting out that group... will miss Cahill though can he switch to Cameroon too???
  13. Wish I'd have taken Ghana or Cameroon instead of Australia, don't suppose swaps are allowed???
  14. Not the best result for my Aussies against South Africa the other day a 1-1 draw but Tim Cahill can still bang in the goals at 74. One last friendly to go against them pesky Eastern Europeans Croatia, a winnable game as the croats will be too busy shitting themselves at thought of facing Brazil in the tournament opener.
  15. After England's magnificent victory against that football giant known as Peru, I really don't see the point of even staging the world cup. may as well just give the trophy to England and cut out the middle man!* *some bits of that message may possibly be a little tongue in cheek....
  16. Collymore is such a twerp he is not even up to talksport's low standards but gets a gig with them for reasons probably only he can tell us about!
  17. funny you should say that but have noticed panini stickers for the first time since i was a kid and they were huge business back in the 19th century, good to see them still going! In my day the one to get league wise was always Kevin Keegan!
  18. it'll be more competitive than the SPL lol!
  19. just seen the result and Hibs got what they deserved, bet they expected to show up and the result would take care itself, its so laughable! Butcher is better off trying to forge out a career as a bad pundit on ITV than trying to pretend to be a football manager, to take that team down from the position they were in when he took over is beyond embarrassing! He should quit now! His record since he went to a supposed 'bigger' club is pathetic, my god he cannot handle the prima donnas at Hibs? A bunch of players who could perform at the lower end of the championship at best? My word take a look at yourself man!
  20. looking forward to the champs league final, someone posted somewhere else that QPR have a bigger wage budget than Atletico! Wouldn't surprise me mind!
  21. My Aussie socceroos will do awfully well to get out that group! Was going to go for Cameroon but as they are the same group as Brazil didn't want to go against the grain of the bird!
  22. Suarez has picked up a knee injury and in danger of missing the tournament apparently, good news for Engerland! http://talksport.com/football/liverpool-star-suarez-facing-world-cup-heartbreak-after-injuring-knee-reports-14052292268
  23. team of the year in the Skrill Premier, we got two trophies for finishing 2nd! One for actually finishing 2nd and one for winning the play off at Wembley!
  24. I was going to post a photo of Cambridge United's trophies this season but couldn't work out how to copy and paste the photo but it is quite impressive! https://twitter.com/CambridgeUtdFC/status/468342198141210624/photo/1/large?utm_source=fb&utm_medium=fb&utm_campaign=CambridgeUtdFC&utm_content=468342198141210624
  25. changed my avatar anyways as scrolled down again and don't think they're taken!
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