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Everything posted by Jeanette

  1. The milk makes me feel a bit sick. But apart from that it's a lovely video. Especially the little lanterns being set free!!
  2. Boyd doesn't do enough work to play up front on his own, however Miller will run and run, he might not get any (or many) goals, but if he gets into the right places then others should (hopefully) score from that. The thought of Hartley playing scares me... Where is he playing now?!
  3. Quite literally, I've never witnessed so many men in tears before.
  4. Just go to a different opticians and say you think you had your last test about 2 years ago! I don't think there's a database because when I moved back to Glasgow, D&A couldn't look up details from when I went to the Aberdeen branch. D&A were pretty good.
  5. Yup. Got my email today to say it's 96 for my 3 ticket bundle. Which is 15 cheaper than a non-season ticket holder. Wonder if it would've been a different price had it been Barcelona instead of Sevilla. Still excited about it though.
  6. I figured that I would be underestimating the other teams. I don't pay an awful lot of attention to other leagues, so I guess when it wasn't one of the 'big' ones... I suppose that since we'll probably get put out I would rather it was to Barca or Man Utd. Lol. Hahaha. I didn't say Rangers would be glamourous!!!
  7. As much as it's a 'nice' group for Rangers... more chances to go through blah blah blah. I'm disappointed. Perhaps I'm underestimating the other teams, but I really wanted a glamourous Champions League night at Ibrox. Oh well.
  8. As much as I obviously have a dislike for Celtic... that really wasn't a penalty!!
  9. Having to go back to work tomorrow after two weeks off. Got a case of the post-holiday blues. I just know there will be a pile of stuff waiting for me.
  10. My four year old 4th gen decided to give me a scare when I was in Tenerife. I've got the sad face icon. Anyone able to give easy instructions to either sort the problem or restore the ipod. Don't really want to be buying a new one and I'm finding the Apple site complicated!
  11. Louis Theroux is awesome. He totally asks the right questions. I cannot believe that the police wouldn't report the house with the kids in it to social services because there was food in the fridge!! Just mental.
  12. Try telling that to someone who needs a 10 bag about 3 times a day. There's this family that one of my colleagues works with and they couldn't afford 15 for a day trip with their kids (who are in care) because of the dad's habit. It's not cheap if you have a high dependancy... and use other drugs along with it e.g valium. I hate wasted food in restaurants. Just back from a work night out and we had this Mexican buffet type meal where they brought lots of stuff to the table, but there was sooooo much waste that everyone ended up taking some home. But why cook all that amount when there's no way it could be eaten!
  13. I hate that... when you can't get the items in the bag quick enough! Then when you try to put your card/money back in your purse and in your bag and pick up the bags you get this look as if to say 'you're so stupid!' That was never a problem in Boots because we packed the bags for the customer.
  14. Haha. I am in agreement. Never ever did I scan slowly in Boots. Ever. I use self-scan checkouts quite a lot these days too, mainly because so many of the assistants are totally useless. It's not difficult! But I hate the wifey that says 'item not in bag' or something along those lines. What if I don't want a bag?! Grrr.
  15. Yup. And they're playing the Academy in Glasgow with Madina Lake (haha) on 9th October. ents24.com
  16. Talking about radio ads... This one has been doing my head in!! It's just that song every 20mins or something stupid!!
  17. As much as it is obviously good for Scottish football... why did I have to get in from work just in time to see Celtic score their typical last minute winner?! Ugh.
  18. Last time I was in Five it was horrid. You could draw pictures with the charcoaled onions!! Is it 99 that's now on Back Wynd?! I've had lunch in there and it was pretty good, it's got a nice atmosphere too. Siberia is good for a cheap, quick lunch.
  19. Yeah, I'm in agreement with that for sure!! We used to be in Exodus about 3 times a week whilst students, and depending on weekend work, Moshulu on a Friday. I think it'll upset the applecart for those who don't want it to change, apart from changing the toilets and getting rid of the carpet. I can't speak for Exodus anymore, but ABC is really busy and successful on a Saturday and is a pretty good night. It'll just be a different night out for people and will add some variety.
  20. My photo albums - they're full of gig tickets and little reminders of really good times and some photos. Most of the stuff I have could be replaced, except other things like my folder of important documents e.g graduation certificate and stuff for work! Lol - everything would stop if something happened to my diary as well.
  21. I think people want genre-specific clubs though (I could be wrong) and although 'more commericial music' might not mean Liquid/Pearl Lounge style, it's probably not want people necessarily want to hear. Perhaps the demand is no longer there... and the people who would have frequented Moshulu four times a week have got older, have additional responsibilities and are no longer students and the new kids on the block just aren't interested because they have Korova! Anyway, I will be checking the shiny new venue (with whatever name it has) out in September and October, so I'll pass proper judgement then!!
  22. This opening of The Shack makes me think of The Shack in Glasgow (before it burnt down obviously). If it's anything like it... it'll just be like another Liquidy type place with some added cheese.
  23. I saw The Proposal tonight. Very typical rom-com. But it was an enjoyable little film with some laughs and some 'awws' and I left feeling quite happy.
  24. Well, it was 99 for the camera and the total was 124 so 25... my maths was rubbish! Lol. Still super cheap.
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