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Everything posted by Jeanette

  1. I did it for you. I especially liked the magic beans. However, they could magic up something quite exciting! Ha.
  2. I'm sure I've seen the trailer for the remake and I'm sure it's got a different name and has a girl in the place of the little boy. There might be some other similar 'scary' film coming out that I've got it confused with!
  3. Ok, I re-watched it. I don't know why and now I'm left wondering what on earth the last minute was all about!! No wonder the girl in the video was covering her ears!
  4. 1:14... But only because I was fascinated by the continual fringe shaking that was syncronised.
  5. Night at the Museum 2. Much better than I was expecting. I haven't seen the first one, but that doesn't matter. It was rather amusing!!
  6. People have mentioned stuff here that I just watch normally and wouldn't consider a guilty pleasure... 90210, One Tree Hill, The OC, Gilmore Girls... There's a bit of a theme. No one has mentioned Gossip Girl - again not a guilty pleasure for me, but it must be for someone. The problem with the American shows is I end up kinda obsessed and end up streaming the next seasons online so I'm way ahead of everyone else. I really need to get a life! River City for me I think. It's so awful, and it's got a lot worse, but if I switch over and it's on, I just can't switch off.
  7. Nope, clearly not. So please disregard that comment... but since you've quoted my distinct inability to do any sort of maths I can't change it.
  8. I found it difficult to imagine the 56m+ for Kaka. But this 80m for Ronaldo... what does that kind of money look like?! (and please don't say Ronaldo!!). It's just totally ridiculous!!
  9. BBC NEWS | World | Americas | Shooting at US Holocaust museum The gunman was apparently 89 years old!!
  10. I will vote because you can vote more than once, therefore I can still vote for Twin Atlantic, since my loyalties lie with them. It's a Glasgow thing!! I am very much in love the The Xcerts album. It is like honey for the ears.
  11. Cruel Intentions. I can't decide if it's aged well or not. But I really do love it when the manipulative characters get their comeuppance!!!
  12. I hope it is a phase that is going to end once they have completed their visit to the UK. Lol.
  13. I can only speak for the Glasgow show, which was really busy. They totally have the crowd eating out the palms of their hands. They don't sound quite as ridiculous as they do recorded, but some of the screaming just has to be heard live to be believed!!. I did do my fair share of laughing. There are also no instruments involved, just a laptop. The lyrics are totally horrendous. And there really is something very wrong with 13 year olds singing them back!! Apparently they're quite quiet as a band, and just keep themselves to themselves.
  14. Beth Ditto's weird haircut and awful make up. To be honest she's just odd... But I've just seen Gossip on the Jonathan Ross repeat and it's just bizarre! Also can she not just wear clothes that fit properly!!!
  15. Well, I have to say I've never been to an Exposure night before. But I'm looking forward to making the train journey for the 3rd July!
  16. Maybe they're comfy in their polo shirts!! But there's not really anything that wrong with it, especially when we have a whole thread dedicated to the awfulness of Brokencyde.
  17. Well, I have returned from the Glasgow show. It was a bit bizarre. The kids actually loved it, but there's something really wrong with them singing Brokencyde lyrics!! Glad I didn't pay for it! Lol.
  18. I went to see it on Friday night. It wasn't what I expected - I was expecting full blown horror... so the comedy aspect surprised me. I went to see it not having a clue what it was about. It was rather good and the humour was a nice break inbetween all the jumpy bits. Watch out for the stapler!!!
  19. Sunburn. And yes I should've had suncream on, but I was sitting in Siberia's beer terrace for all of 2 hours this afternoon before getting the train and the sun has really got me, and I didn't have any suncream with me... I did not expect it to be so lovely this weekend. I have learnt my lesson.
  20. I don't mean like that. More when they're changing lanes (I can only see them doing this because I'm driving behind) and there's nothing coming but they still turn round, it's probably more dangerous to do that than to move out! I also don't mean turning their head to the right, but to the left to look right out the back window. It's just dangerous. /rant
  21. Right now... I had the fact that ER ends for ever in 2 hours time. Also, people who turn round to see if there's cars coming when they're driving on the motorway. Why are they not using their mirrors like they're supposed to!!
  22. The fact that Owen Coyle doesn't have European management experience might not matter. Celtic have to qualify first! However, yes I can see he'd love the chance to manage his boyhood heroes, most managers probably would, but what about the challenge of keeping Burnley in the Premiership against all odds? Is that not incentive?!
  23. This film is actually amazing. Did a Communist tour in Berlin almost 3 years ago and the tour guide told us about this film because it was making lots of noises in Germany. Needless to say we had to wait another year and a bit until we saw it, but it was worth the wait. It also won an Oscar! And most of the methods in the film are true!!
  24. The reason I just put her name is because I'm finding it very difficult to express how much she is doing my head in!!! Something about it is just... so contrived!
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