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Everything posted by mistersticks

  1. good job guys, im glad the gig went well. i think you guys should get a few recordings done now if you have a few tunes your completely happy with, even just 2 or 3 tunes up on your myspace will make a big difference to you landing gigs. a few places to try that have quite reasonable rates would be Captain Toms or Musical Vision. Or maybe you know somebody with a multi tracker and you could do them yourselves? it would be worth the investment
  2. Elliott Smith Jeff Buckley Edgar Prais Craig Davidson
  3. yeah i like rummaging in charity shops and finding a gem, its even more satisfying with vinyl
  4. every single tune is based around the same scale as well
  5. mistersticks


    it was a bit surreal watching the presenter trying to comment on the game with the other 2 americans, i don't think even he knew what was going on
  6. it's a real shame for them because of this, the only place they can get a gig in town now is at the Lemon Tree. my band played with them a while ago, the drummer showed me up...
  7. Apperently she is playing with my band, when they are doing an acoustic set, and Hamper at the Blue Lamp on the 1st November, but what do i know, im just a drummer...
  8. oh and i like Rescue Party too
  9. im a big fan of Edgar Prais, they're another band i feel who have "upped their game" like Copy Haho in the last couple years, and i would really like to see their upcoming album be successful. Younger bands in Aberdeen such as Velvet Audio and the Elizabeths are very talented, and i think they will be ones to watch out for when they are a little older.
  10. i've just seen burn after reading, its pretty good, will kind of restore your faith in the cohen brothers, much better than the rest of their recent films
  11. hahahaha did they frown upon your previously intoxicated state? or would that be mormons?
  12. did anybody see that documentry that they used to show on mtv2 and vh2 and maybe some other music channels, i think it was called "behind the music" or something. it was slating axl rose for the album being 10 years in production then, and that was 2004! i think he's just tried so hard to try and rebuilt what was going on at the time of the original lineup, that "what was going on" has changed several times. but i would like to actually see it released finally
  13. hahaha i seen that, they must be getting on a bit now, daniel craig as well...tosser
  14. i don't think it is, because Treader. answered my question within one reply, i only heard about this through somebody. so not only has my question been answered, it hasn't been drawn out and turned into an argument.
  15. oh. i see... well, its a bit weak then
  16. YouTube - Girls Aloud - Je Ne Parle Pas Franais (Can't Speak French) Isn't this a bit ironic? Can't speak French ehh?
  17. excellent stuff. i went to see them at the tunnels at the start of the year, they were fantastic then. you wouldn't know from the photos that it was drummonds either!
  18. haha that will be why then. sorry. have you got them up anywhere else?
  19. I can't see them, is that just because you put them up not long ago and myspace takes ages to "process" them? nice work on your page by the way, the layout is rather snazzy
  20. who else is confirmed then Mr Martin?
  21. Thank you very much. Should have our new tracks that we've just done with Mark up on the internet soon!
  22. i have a pearl cymbal stand but the threading is mangled which means you cannot screw the cymbal on securly.
  23. yeah thats correct, you can't get anything worthwhile for free off itunes
  24. aye i've heard it's good, i also heard that they record the drums with mic's that are suspended from the the high walls which creates a sort of ambience, is this bullshit? cos i think it sounds pretty cool
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