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Everything posted by emergency72

  1. uhh...."the bar downstairs from la lombardos" and whoever owns the resteraunt owns the bar this sunday folks....pop down...
  2. Cheap for them to buy, cheap for the consumer to buy...generates good continuous business! Nothing strange about it Strange is the sound their gear produces...but hey surely everyone owns at least one piece of behringer gear...even if they won't admit it
  3. Hey, there is an open mic night at the old drakes (downstairs from lombardos) every 2nd Sunday, 4pm-9pm. It's a chilled out affair, accoustics, percussion, volume you can hear yourself think over...perfect for a sunday afternoon chill out. The place has been all done up since it was last open as drakes and looks fantastic. Free entry, all beers 2, come down and have some fun... Next one will be the 25th march...every 2nd sunday after that
  4. Mico http://www.g7welcomingcommittee.net/mp3/achievement.mp3
  5. Go for it, and if money proves to be a problem, sell it to me.
  6. Bet you don't come close to this guy... .. (insane...one word to describe it)
  7. It's a pity their more recent stuff stinks... Their bass player is the epitome of punk coolness however...This is more my idea of modern straight ahead punk... YouTube - Riot againstallodds Henry fiat open store
  8. A brilliant tribut to St Anger I found....really captures the raw intesity of the fantastic album http://www.thelisteningsessions.com/mp3/MattSmith-St.AngerTribute.mp3
  9. If you like those Shure mics you should invest in an SM7 for your studio work....these have got really popular with LOUD vocalists in the past few years for studio vocals as they have the definition and clarity needed for recording, plus the benefits of having a mic you can hold in your hand while you record, ie...you can act like you do on stage rather than trying to work up a convincing performance standing behind a pop shield and music stand singing into a mic that looks like its made for recording opera Dunno if it would be any cope live however...
  10. Grow up for fuck sake...complaining in a fucking cinema...do you moan on buses aswell?
  11. Why would you wish that on anyone?
  12. Hands off Nicaragua Boot down the door Whale Song Resist the atomic menace Ar Ceol's Ar Cana
  13. Does it take 60 songs to remind you that nazis are bad? What a fucking waste of plastic. Although..."Nazis Ruined Shaved Heads" is a fucking classic title!!
  14. Political Asylum played East Neuk? I've wasted my life... excellent band...
  15. If you're up for a road trip S2K :: Stage 2000 Rehearsal Studios, Dundee, Scotland. Dunno what its like, but looks ok, nice price too... combined with a cheap megabus it could work out much cheaper than anywhere in aberdeen
  16. He may draw the outline with a graphic tablets, but his understanding of curves and colour gradients is fucking mind blowing. Hardly a piece of pish...but hey lets see your efforts o_O Just learnt a cool tip there aswell with the spray can
  17. I'd trade everything I have for a nice accoustic and a good voice...no money can buy the latter however so I'm f**kd...
  18. Excellent!!! This has been in the works for yeeears.....downloaded the demo and it is sounding fantastic..pisses all over guitar rig, GTR, amplitube 2 etc...can't wait till its "released" Thanks for the heads up!
  19. I reckon I'll buy some new strings and plectrums this year....
  20. Start a shitty crust punk band...tour the fucking world playing to alcoholics and junkies.
  21. Thats the best fucking looking arcade machine ever!!!
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