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Everything posted by Cabbage

  1. i remember reading an article in guitar magazine where repaired a "real" vintage gretsch to show just how poorly made it was! once they took of the pick ups and covers your could see that the pick up holes werent cut straight and the neck was just terrible! but people still pay rediculous amunts for the "quality" american instruments! thet put those TV jones pick ups in it as well.
  2. looks like madonna's flicked through one issue of Total Guitar magazine and picked up a guitar! just show's you can have all the quality gear, a full team of sound engineers and a huge stage but its still up to the player to make a guitar sound good!! i hear next week she's goin to splice a bad rendition of master of puppets to material girl once she's nailed the riff...... i know as she told me personally when i sold her my boss metal zone.
  3. wait...... this march is THIS saturday, not the saturday past???? ...... you mean to tell me i sent out my nedlings on their motorbikes to twart the stoner uprising on the wrong day!!! DAAAAAAAMMMMNNN!!!!!DAAAAAAAMMMMNNN!!!!!DAAAAAAAMMMMNNN!!!!! next time i'm just going to have to use the death ray instead of those hired goons......
  4. have a look for folk that do custom artwork for crash helmets/bikes as they'll often do other stuff like geetars.
  5. glad i'm not the only one!! i never apreciated master volume, twin footswitchable channels, high and low tone controls until i built mine!! was definatly worth it though...............
  6. yeah i built an 18watt amp using a kit from Amp Maker - Guitar amp kits and valve / tube amplifier components. took me 3 days of full-on-solid-do-nothing-else electrical geekery to finish it. i built the 2x12 open back cab about a year later, real nice amp sounding amp although i rarely use it!!
  7. does it come with origonal proof of purchase?
  8. i've always used amp gain for distortion, none of the pedals i've tired have beaten it, tired the big muff (black russian one), boss metal zone, boss ds-2, almost came close to replicating the sound i was using on my amp with a home made thing but it was prone to picking up noise and caught fire once as well.... only one i use regularly is a modified big muff for making doooom noises i prefer using amp gain for simplicity and i just prefer the amp tone as i think it sounds a bit fuller than a wee buzzy pedal, been using a tech 21 tradmark 60, a laney gh100l and a homemade low watt valve job (although that runs clean).
  9. ah fair doo's, wee car's arnt really my thing either, i'm in the process of beefing up me smallest engined motor with a 3L essex V6, dont think i'll be getting 72mpg out of it though!! i thought me toyota truck with its 20-25mpg of diesel was good!! o_O
  10. oh aye, fiat panda's are permanant 4x4 are they not? i know someone who just took their new one back as it had such bad fuel economy, why a small town car would need 4 wheel drive is behond me, i do most of my offroading in 2 wheel drive and only switch to 4 when struggling for grip. plus the panda's road springs required replacement after 6 months!!
  11. a local taxi company me ma worked for used a few of the bigger kia cars, appearently they felt pretty cheap inside and the plastic bits few off regularly but they drove and handled well compaired to they're more expensive VW cars/busses. they broke down regularly but so did all the taxi's as they do crazy amouts of miles. personally i'd keep a car that i know is reliable before i bought anything new and unknown, unless i was keeping the old one as well. plus i'm too tight to buy anything brand spanking from a main dealer anyway!!
  12. ....your not really a bunch of cunts, were only a joke!!
  13. could do with some lead parts could it not, maybe from the bands lead guitarist who has been kicked out of the band without even been told he's been kicked out!!! bitches o_O anyhoo, sounds ok without me fuckin up all over it but the guitar tone needs more beef imo, maybe more mid range tone. the new tunes are cool but i think u'd be better with someone playing some lead guitar lines (not just my over bias opinion there) though from the top was dragging on a bit, maybe some wee lead parts would add just enough. i'm glad your still playing tho as i thought granite ruin had become defunct, thought the songs were too good to waste!! give me a shout when ur playing a gig and i'll come and set fire to your cars/bike while your on stage CUNTS
  14. i think r&b and/or bruce millers sold some strat and les paul type bridges, i might just be imagining things though.... i was looking into it ages ago for a project than never came to be.
  15. i've heard about those flats as well from someone who was looking into getting one!! makes me glad i'm living in a 50's ex-council house, big rooms, big garden and totally solid - even the internal walls are brick!!
  16. i learnt to drive out here in the sticks with separate lessons over maybe 3 months but did my B+E (car with heavy trailer) test in aberdeen with "intensive" 3 day training. i found the "intensive" training was really tiring and hard to take eveything in (even though i'd been driving with trailers for years and in the instructors own words "knew all there was to know already"..... just what you want to hear when you've paid up a few hundered quid to be taught stuff...) o_O after i did my trailer training and test (did over 300miles in the 3 days ) i didn't want to ever drive again, which is pretty shite seein as i own four cars as i loved driving so much!! the separate lesson route was much more civilised and definatly the way i'm going to do things in the future! also i did my first car test with BSM, was very happy with it, got loads of help with booking tests and all that jazz.
  17. i got a belcat delay pedal off ebay for much cheepness, its just a simple thing with 3 knobs and is quite small, was only 45 quid with postage though!!
  18. i've used it once or twice to check my email but it took so long and was so bloody annoying having to............................ ....scroll ......................... ............down ............... ...................every two..................... ..................................words............ i was so disalusioned with the whole thing i went and bought a novilty phone that has no interweb browser or camera!!! 8o
  19. heard a few stories like yours with all the new houses going up in the north east, one taxi driver told me his living room room colapsed after pipes leaked, on investigation they found the pipes did not leak but weren't actually connected together! was from a taxi driver though so cant believe it all!
  20. maybe some of my hellacopters vinyl are rare over here but probably used as coasters in sweeden! .... and not that sought after!
  21. cheers, anyone have a contact number? number 01224639800 from their web page dunt work o_O
  22. is musical vision still on the go? their phone number doesn't apear to work any more. ?(
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