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Everything posted by Cabbage

  1. all i did on my squire strat of doooooom was inserted a block of wood that was just about the right size then packed it out with folder paper, before winding off and removing the springs, tuning is now solid and the bridge has given me no bother! i remember reading a web page where someone actually filled in the hole left by the springs and properly converted it to a strings through body solid bridge but thats a load of work!!!
  2. there's plenty van hire places in aberdeen if your old enough! there was a roadie looking for work in the musicians bit a while back..... here: http://www.aberdeen-music.com/forums/musicians/43852-roadie-looking-work.html
  3. rumour has it that Irritable Down Syndrome are headlining the whole thing.......
  4. sorry i forgot to add the required pinch of salt to that post or maybe a "" or even a "LOL" would have done to indicate that the statement was not mean to be taken as fact.... excuse me while i fuck off.....
  5. do "woooooooooooooosh's" count on this forum...... yeahr i believe its for something like that, so firefighters can count the bodies from the outside after the plane is burnt out on the runway....
  6. I think bouncers can only ever act violently, have you ever asked one for the time?? its just another pish rule to add to the list........ i dont think its as good as having to open your window blind whilest taking off/landing in a plane, dont even think of trying it unless you want to see an airstwardess going absolutely mental, its the highest act of in-flight terrorism you know...... o_O
  7. it's very very very dark purple, almost black its so dark........... got 2 headlights and the grill though if the colour's nay good!
  8. heh, i was thinkin up similar crazyness, maybee's even buildin a v6 motorbike (got family history of daft bike projects) but unfortunatly i already have enough car projects to do me up untill we run out of oil and the world goes all mad max! edit for sales pitch: if you did want the engine it'd be cheep like, seein as its burst......
  9. Might be a long shot on here but... I'm currently breaking a 1996 Ford Mondeo MK2 2.5 V6 Ghia X saloon. It suffered a headgasket failure an i'm better at breakin stuff than i am fixing so its coming apart for spares, if anyone's needing any parts please get in touch. Currently only the interior has been removed and the car is still mobile under its own steam. All parts available except the stereo. Alloys, leather seats, good gearbox, 2 new tyres and undamaged bumpers..... engine is repairable but i havent the time or motivation, plus its clutterin up me garden!
  10. think i've seen the first film too, did they write a "happy birthday" banner is someone's blood? possibly a parrots??? o_O there's some more good story's in the book Acid House! crazy shit!
  11. i get a sore wrist on me fretting arm quite often, i put it down poor playing posture but at least i look "down with the kids" actually find bad posture at the computer hurst my wrist more that play guitar. doing excercises like rolling you hand round helps me like, but if its not getting any better i'd get it checked out. just giving it a rest does wonders as well.
  12. you can end ebay auctions even if people have bin on it, lots of baw bags do it when selling motors, they usually have the disclaimer in the discription "advertised elsewhere so reserve the right to end auction early", its a total pain in the hoop if your bidding on the item......
  13. Fuckin first bin of recognision an yer selling out!! deary me!! had the irritable down syndrome and yer wifebeater demo on in wir office, went down quite well!!! ......ok so there were only me in hehheh
  14. whats the camera top left in the first pic looking at i wonder........maybe its a better veiw than the front............
  15. i've found a generous application of petrol over the "stained" area and the application of some flame source to be quite good for covering up things. I wouldn't recommend using lighter fluid as the volume required usually raises some eyebrows when purchased and the likes of kerosene are too traceable...... ...... i never got my deposit back in that case though.....
  16. that guitar kinda sums up smashing pumpkins to me; dull, uninteresting and nowt special...... sorry i'm just not a fan!
  17. try the local parish church's, they might have something sitting in a hall somewhere they need rid off, you'd be doing them a favour......alot of the wee'r places use keyboards now and all the old things as just gathering dust. me dad an a mate once acquired a church organ in such a way although the circumstances were some what dubious and it was "moved on" pretty swiftly....... tickets to hell are available at the door....... edit: village halls would be a good place to check as well
  18. is it gordon the gopfer's dad, maimed in an explosives accident when he worked in the mines, he doesn't speak to gordon anymore, not after gordon left for a life of fame and fortune on the tele....
  19. have you tried shielding the electrics to eliminate some of the noise? i've shielded a couple of cheapy strats before by simply applying a load of tin foil to the inside of the scratch plate and pick up covers, made a really big difference for the cost of some foil and a prit-stick!!
  20. Will you deliver to the BLACK BENCH in DUTHY PARK, one beside the BEACH TREE and DUCK POND, wait 10minutes and only after 10minutes give the signal of RUBBING YOUR NOSE and then LIFTING YOUR LEFT FOOT AND LOOKING AT THE SOLE OF YOUR SHOE - as if checking your sole for dog poo- An AGENT will then meet you and you will be required to say the CODE WORD (supplied at a later date) say only the CODE WORD to the AGENT. Cash will be delivered in a Large BROWN ENVELOPE by a SECOND AGENT. Leave the items at the BENCH and WALK out of the Park.
  21. Cabbage

    Mic Stand

    being toight like a tiger myself, i went and got a few cheap mic stands some time ago.... i seriously wish i'd just spent the extra then instead of later when i had to buy more better ones as the cheap ones had just fallen to bits! there is nothing more annoying than a mic stand that keeps falling down/dropping mic's and such!! they maybe lasted 3 months of light use! i got a couple from r&b for maybe 25 quidlys each and they've not let me down yet!
  22. there's mine without pedals, thats some high quality ply board there, 3 laminated sheets about 12mm thick, good solid stuff!!
  23. apparently, so the doctor telt me and the girlfriend, that the cheapo test are just as good as the expensive ones and all the supermarket ones are far more acurate than the doctor's test......
  24. i currently use a piece of 9mm ply from B&Q! Sorted! one day i'll get round to building a box for it, covering up the cables with some carpet and giving it a paint but it does the job for now!!
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