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Everything posted by Cabbage

  1. those damn emo kids, thats who probably the same folk that liked linkin park when they were 12
  2. the stereotypical drummer: organised jam and party at his, arrives 4 hours late after telling everyone "i'll b there soon", decides that because he was so late that there's no time to jam and we'll just party instead, so much partying is had , finally decides the next day to play again when we bring his drums down stairs and attempt to set them up for him, he then goes mental because his kit looks like its been set up by tards (fair enough really), only play 30secs of any song before gettin bored then goes back to bed and doesn't get up till long after we've left........ .............twaz a quality party tho edit: forgot to add the moral of the story: this didn't happen because he's a drummer, it was simply because he's an eejit! though he did play the euphonium in the school band, which i think is the underlying cause of such behaviour........
  3. still looking for a bassist? sent u a pm.........
  4. according to a hard rockin weegie aberdeen is alot better for the smaller bands compared to glasgow, as most people go to the bigger gigs and dont bother going to see the average joe and his maiden tribute band
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