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Everything posted by EchelonDivision

  1. You're all confusing the "Beast" with the devil. And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. (Rev. 13:17, 18) The mark of the beast = ID cards?
  2. If emo is non-conformist, why do they all look the fucking same?
  3. http://www.aberdeen-music.com/forums/showthread.php?t=31802
  4. If Tony Blair can use the parliament act to ban fox hunting.... anything's possible. Say NO to ID cards!!!
  5. No, no! It's always been shit. The Internet just highlights the shitest parts.
  6. Well, I thought it was funny. Especially episode 2. I can see the Father Ted overtones (I was a big FT fan), but it also reminds me of Black Books and the Office (alas, not as funny as the Office though). Episode 3 is on the week. Unless it starts to go downhill from now, I think I'll keep watching it, kiddies.
  7. They're ok if you would normally use the establishments listed. But in principal they are a con, to make you spend money in places you'd not normally go. Good for some people and not for others.
  8. Cool. Would you recommend it over Firefox? I'm might give it a try.
  9. Yeah, and that'll help get back his favourites, will it!?
  10. What? Franz Ferdinand? Simple Minds? KT Tunstall? What shite! The Who? are much better than any of these guys... and they're still shite!
  11. I've saw them headline Donington before. Not a big fan. Lets see some Mastodon!
  12. Worra twat! :CRINGE: That's almost as bad as the rapper guy that thought he was the new Marshall Mathers.
  13. A "Photo Blogg Site": Let people upload their Photo, and others can leave comments and rate it out of 10 for beauty or comedy. But limit it to Aberdonians so we can kick them in if they have a mod haircut or wearing Burberry or something.
  14. Indeed, this character looks more like an acceptable representation of God, than an penis with a Mcaw parrot clinging to the shaft.... .... or I am just strange?
  15. Hey, the law in this country is: You can display a Penis, but not an erect one. Or.. something. I dunno... I'm pretty sure it's something like that. Hmmmm....
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