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Everything posted by EchelonDivision

  1. Erm... maybe not. Some of my mates are non-minks.
  2. Tremendous! Thanks for your help! Will they let me do my own music and do they allow food. How much is it?
  3. Does anyone know where I can hire out a nightclub/function for the evening, holding about 60 people this summer? It would have to let me provide my own DJ (me) and catering (if allowed).
  4. Yeah, fair enough. Both were statements made with the intent to offend.
  5. I thought this was quite sad. It's a Flash movie about a little girl who lost her Daddy on 11 September 2001. I Miss You, Daddy
  6. In Germany and Austria, holocaust denial was prohibited at the end of the second world war. This was to prevent a further Nazi uprising and keep order. Seeing as that was 61 years ago, still exercising this law is ridiculous. It should be thrown out with all the other draconian legislation kept by European Countries. David Ike publicly announced he was the "Son of God" on national television. Should he be jailed for heresy?? Let people say what they like. As I said before, no-one has the right not to be offended. As long as Slander and Lible are not be committed. If you don't like it, IGNORE IT!
  7. British historian David Irving has been found guilty in Vienna of denying the Holocaust and sentenced to three years in prison. He had pleaded guilty to the charge, based on a speech and interview he gave in Austria in 1989. "I made a mistake when I said there were no gas chambers at Auschwitz," he told the court. But he insisted: "In no way did I deny the killings of millions of people by the Nazis." Should Holocaust Denial Be Illegal? What does everyone think?
  8. Well' date=' it's the Scottish Executive!! Do you expect it to make sense?? Look at the confusion with bus shelters! Some are exempt and others aren't. [b']http://news.scotsman.com/topics.cfm?tid=663&id=157562006
  9. A bands dressing room is an enclosed public space by definition of the Scottish Executive. A private members club is also an enclosed public space. I didn't contradict myself, as the whole statement was quoted from the Scotsman website.
  10. T In the Park Smoking Ban! Some of the world's top rockers will be banned from lighting up backstage at this summer's T In The Park festival under the new smoking laws, it has emerged. The ban, which comes into force in Scotland on March 26, covers all enclosed spaces and will therefore include stars' dressing rooms and VIP areas. It means smokers such as Franz Ferdinand frontman Alex Kapranos and Ordinary Boys singer Preston will have to stub their cigarettes out or else face a 50 spot fine. The stars will join the likes of The Who and The Red Hot Chilli Peppers at the sell-out two-day event at Balado in July. The new legislation will also cover tents and marquees, meaning bands will not be able to light up while performing at the venues. The rules for the festivals' roofed open stages will depend on the local council policy. A spokesman for the Scottish Executive said: "The smoking ban applies to enclosed public spaces - something that it more than 50% walled. "So yes, if there are enclosed areas such as dressing rooms that means they will be covered. From http://news.scotsman.com/latest.cfm?id=264302006
  11. You really think it'll be enforcable to stop smoking in bus shelters - no way! It is being governed by the Environmental Health marshalls, not the police. The council have elected 5 EHM's for the whole of Aberdeen. How many bus shelters are there? You do the math!
  12. Cool. What, like make glass towers out of them, or even a drinking bowl for four worms.
  13. There is absolutely no conclusive proof that passive smoking causes cancer. Nevertheless, I am in favour of the ban (although, would have been much more sensible on a voluntary basis). It will be easier for me (a social smoker) to give up. And like you say, waking up not reeking of fags would be nice. You'll also be able to scan out a nightclub for totty without smoke obscuring your view. What I want to know is: A) What will happen with all the ashtrays? B) What'll happen to the cigarette vending machine companies? c) Will the price of cigarettes rocket in price in anticipation for a 2% decrease in smokers?
  14. Indeed, it is a man. 6 represents man. 666 the beast, the number of a man. Also, it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is the name of the beast or the number of its name. This calls for wisdom; let him who has understanding reckon the number of the beast, for it is a human number, its number is six hundred and sixty-six. In the Roman numeral system, 666 is deciphered as VI VI VI. In the Latin language this refers directly to : Vini, Vidi, Vinci. These words have the distinct meaning of: "I came, I saw, I conquered". The Latin word "Vini", has been since re-spelled as "Veni". Thus, the abbreviation of Vini(Veni), Vidi, Vinci, is VI VI VI or 666. This number also appears on the front or forehead of the Pope's Babylonian hat band as testimony that he, indeed, is the present Emperor of Rome. This places the Pope into the direct line from Julius Caesar, who by the way, was a Pope prior to the birth of "Jesus"---from 100 B.C. to 44 B.C.
  15. There's also a film called the Beast, released on 6/06/06. It the whole Nostradamus July 1999 thing all over again - total shite! I reckon 21/03/06 is a more likely date.
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