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Everything posted by EchelonDivision

  1. I got attacked today by a seagull. I had just finished my weekend job at Sainsburys when I was walking through Garthdee and saw it flying low directly towards my face, so I ducked. It circled me, screeching and squacking as it went, came back round and dived at my head again, trying to peck as it attacked. I found myself running from this bird as it attacked me for the seventh time in a row, trying to shite on me and hit me head with its feet. I thought it maybe had something against Sainsburys uniforms, then I realised it must have been protecting its young or something. Anyway, I'm going back to the spot where it attacked me tomorrow with equipt with an umbrella and a pellet gun to kill all its babies. The pecky shites! Has this happened to anyone else? It's really weird.
  2. He's glorofying the use of illegal drugs ffs! Besides this, he's a fucking cock.
  3. Yeah, this technology is 4 years old.
  4. Ironically, it is against the law in Britain the help the Palestinian cause under new Anti-Terror legislation.
  5. No, not at all. The UN is completely useless in resolving anything which is against US interests. However, the UN is very useful at legitimising US military aggression against other countries. Therefore, as far as this discussion goes, the UN is the US.
  6. I saw him wearing a skirt and dragging half of a hoover behind him, down on the Green.
  7. Nothing. Britain and the US has armed Israel with Nuclear Weapons which they have threatened to use against the US, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq and the Soviet Union already. Any attack on Israel would be answered by a Nuclear, Chemical or Biological response. Since Britain invented the State of Israel, it has continued to massacre Palestinians and then call them Terrorists. Israel is the most volatile state on the planet. No nation would interfere.
  8. If you'd ever studied Comparitive Religion, you would know that all religions believe in the same god.
  9. The Internet will most certainly NOT survive censorship constrictions and corruption.
  10. Yeah, if you get rid of that hideous carpet!
  11. But its not the first stop. Cosco is the first stop in the mornings and early evenings. The stop has ALWAYS been in use.
  12. Yes, some busses dont go to Cosco (most do), but some also dont go to arnhall moss first and go directly to Elrick before turning into Westhill. I had, however, made the assumption that he'd be going first thing in the morning... in which case ALL the buses go to Cosco first. I get the bus mon-fri for the past 4 years to the Business park.
  13. Good News... Little Britain Live Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre 16 November 2006 Tickets go on sale Saturday, 20 May. 27.50 & 24.50 + booking fee
  14. How about a Guns 'n' Roses tribute called "Neaps and Tatties"? The Jesus and Maryculter Michael Seafield Biohazard - "Tales from the Bieldside" Brian Ferry(hill) Man o' Field (Manowar) .... hmm these are all shite.
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