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  1. The term N.E.D. is an abbreviation and has been around since the fifties which stands for "Non Educated Delinquent" For some reason some stupid bright spark in england put it into the collins dictionary as a casually clothed person, Bollocks
  2. I say no more, proof that the world is full of idiots
  3. Why is it nobody cares about the World anymore? (No IDIOTS please) People these days are too involved with themselves whilst the World around them is turning into chaos. It's all me, me, me these days. Nobody seems to take anything seriously unless they have a financial interest or are religious fanatics Millions Starve whilst countries war World War 3 here we come THE END OF THE WORLD IS NIGH Do we all deserve to DIE because of our ignorance?
  4. If no one feels capable of discussing the issue at hand no wonder the world is going to rat shit. This is the main reason as to why people are getting murdered all around the world and no one seems interested enough to stop it It's like we all deserve to have the world end because some idiot wants to nuke/bomb/shoot or gas someone else without thinking about how much destruction it would cause THE END OF THE WORLD IS NIGH
  5. Comments like these are the reason Aberdeen Music.com is going down hill. Nobody appears to be able to discuss things properly without reducing themselves to a mental age of 3 Why is it you cant have a serious discussion about real problems in the world People are getting killed and you want to joke about it. What if it was your family that was getting shot or bombed would you think it was still okay to make these comments AND YOU WONDER WHY THE SOUL HAS BEEN RIPPED OUT OF ABERDEEN MUSIC' date=' YOU HIPPOCRIT[/color']
  6. We need people to open their eyes and talk about real things that are happening in the world which are interesting & challenging to discuss. We dont need people discussing the colour of mold. It's just not interesting enough.
  7. He is not limited to George Street he wanders all over town raiding skips & bins for anything he can find to carry with him
  8. Japan is drafting a UN resolution with the support of six main members, but it doesnt include the USA. It will be voted on tommorrow and if approved will allow the UN to impose sanctions on Israel However if the USA invokes their veto then it will not get approved
  9. Okay back on topic Will UN Sanctions help or will we see Israel ignore them with the US's support?
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