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Sue Denim..

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Everything posted by Sue Denim..

  1. I'm still tactically planning my one.
  2. Or perhaps if YOU are a love-cheat you could post here too .... and amuse us with all the gory details. You could even tell us who you are cheating on and who with. Why? Why not? It's the internet..... it's not like it's real life or anything!
  3. Comedy vandalism for Easter..... Someone has painted a giant chick on the langstane (opposite the entrance to the shopping centre.)
  4. And then there's Geordie Bob shown in centre of picture. He makes a once a day visit to the Moorings in the afternoon, makes a lot of noise whilst drinking a bottle of Becks leaves after singing a couple of 'The Who' tracks.
  5. Damn, what do you have to do to get recognision these days. Have a runny poo whilst doing a cartwheel? Let me guess, Jade Goody did that on BB3. I bet the next Big Brother will have a goth vs christian, an anorexic vs a fatty and a gobshite vs gentle giant.
  6. And possibly a Chronosphere to get the troops out.
  7. 28 Days later must be the only film in the world that has a 'Thank You' message to traffic wardens in the titles. No one says 'Thank You' to a traffic warden.
  8. I've just visited the SAZ website (www.officialsaz.com/index.htm) and found out that they are scheduled in to play the Moorings again on Sat 25th June. Something to look forward to as they were by far the best live band I saw in 2004.
  9. After all the crap I take on a night out I don't feel like eating for a few days.
  10. Yes, and I remember when someone stuck up a poster of Pamela Anderson on the wall. (Well I think it was Pammy.) I also remember, before the stage, a drunken Simon hugging the famous black curtain on his birthday. And then there was the Moorings pool team that lasted about 3 games. (Such sportsmen that we were.) Memories.....
  11. I'm noticing that many happy people have received an I-pod for Christmas. I've also just found out that due to Apple's insistance on not sharing their technology, they are now becoming obsolete. Also this beast is on the market... http://slate.msn.com/id/2108707/ Isn't technology a bummer. Sue.
  12. 17.5% Beer! That's just madness. I'd still like to give it a try though. That makes Delirium Tremens look like a Tennants L.A. Wasn't there supposed to be a Super-Strength Stout launched sometime soon? A 12%er apparently. Sue. (Thinking about beer when I should be thinking about fixing stuff.)
  13. I much preferred "Men Without Hats" and the song "Safety Dance". Pure Class. I remember Nullmouse playing it once or twice at Elizium ages ago. (Back when I used to be Granary Goth.) Sue.
  14. Any chance of getting this one in? Sue.
  15. You mean they put them on the top shelf so you have to reach out for them?
  16. Come on Santa, it's fucking Boxing Day. Where are you?
  17. Dunno about God but I can certainly vouch for myself. I certainly exist so feel free to bow, scrape, grovel and give offerings. Sue.
  18. Sounds like some sort of Greenfly spray. Sue.
  19. It says on mine that it was written by 'Penguin'. Sue.
  20. Don't people trawl through the galleries anymore? That's been up all week. Sue. (Put's on dirty mac and heads for galleries again.)
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