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Everything posted by Metarie

  1. Maybe the band were assholes then and didn't get invited back. Who knows, maybe the band themselves didn't want to play there again. There are heaps of bands that don't get return bookings for many varied reasons. Shame though, a Kiss tribute does sound quite entertaining.
  2. Albumwise - Feeling Strangely Fine by Semisonic (shut it) brings back crashing memories of my ex which pisses me off because there's no reason at all to associate him with it, it was on at work at suddenly I felt 17 again. It was horrible. And various Disney songs remind me of people I haven't thought of for years.
  3. Fuck's sake. If you think the smoking ban is an invasion of human rights consider how you'd feel if you were a non smoker who worked in a bar and came home reeking of smoke every night. The government isn't doing it to be an arse, it's doing it to hopefully minimise the amount of people, specifically non smokers who end up dying of lung cancer and other such nasties every year.
  4. Metarie


    Nope, tickets were 27.50 plus booking charge. Bit of a rip off if you ask me.
  5. Metarie


    The boyfriend went to the Inverness gig last night and said it was pretty good, disappointingly so because he and his flatmates went along purely for the novelty value. I got a phone call during his encore version of 'Wild Thing' and I have to say, the guy can hold a tune. Did anyone else go? I thought 30 was a bit steep for tickets.
  6. prehaps they were asking too much moolah, maybe they're not coming up this far north, the tree is trying to get away from the much commented upon frequency of tribute bands. The guy who books the bands has also changed I believe. Probably a combination of factors.
  7. I can't even begin to start quoting Spaced, but that's right up there. 'Mine's a pint of the black stuff' 'You can't drink a pint of Bovril!' *edited* Clearly I have started to quote Spaced. But I'll leave it at that.
  8. if the weather is like this then get the hell out of town and have a wander somewhere nice. I'm so sick of being in the city I can't begin to tell you. Choose a castle and poke about the grounds or go down to Catterline (which is probably spelt wrong) and look in rock pools then get an ice cream. Embrace your inner child.
  9. PVH, no question. The painted on 6 pack is more than enough reason why they should win this.
  10. It was on the day of a scotland match last year too if you're talking about rugby. I remember various folk with flags and painted faces. I've booked it off work, don't fancy serving you drunken reprobates but dunno if I'll go or not.
  11. true - I'm addicted TPBM has more than 4 piercings
  12. yep, I'd agree with you there. If you don't like sticky carpets then don't spill your drinks. And if you say you don't you're a liar, everyone has kicked over a pint accidently or stumbled over the cube stools in Moshulu carrying 4 Aftershocks and ending up covered in them, as I remember doing when I was younger.
  13. Ooo, burn! The mirror is ace, and as full length as you could get it which is even better. And you had toasted sandwiches in the other day for the first time in ages! Or maybe you always have them and I just forget to ask/don't get there fast enough. Only thing I have to say about the toilets is that they can get fucking freezing but it's helpful to cool down in the middle of a sweaty gig.
  14. The War At Home is utter shite, complete tripe. The whole speaking to the camera between scenes thing is really annoying and the guy who plays the dad has a weird face.
  15. I'd still love to know how Oggy ended up with it, poor bastard. Inter-band smooching prehaps? Mumps is a bitch, you should have got a letter about 2 years back if you're in higher education cause there was an outbreak and folk of a certain age (18-25ish) were at risk because the dose in the MMR vacine we got as kids wasn't enough. Unfortunately, people like me were too chicken shit to go get the booster jab and it's doing the rounds again. But yeah, you can only get it once.
  16. That would take some preparation! And actually, having seen Gozu, I don't think I could handle it. I stand by my previous comments re: James Spader and a 'Secretary' style theme. Yum.
  17. And sausage rolls! That was down to the kitchen staff at The Lemon Tree however, I bullied them into provided grub. Just as well, I would hate to think how drunk I would have been if there'd been no food, I was wankered enough as it was.
  18. I'd speak to Jim at the Tunnels cause when I had a joint birthday thing with me and some folk from work, someone's little brother was there with his friends and it was ok. They weren't drinking obviously, but Jim was very cool about it all. And I think it's free if you can guarentee a certain amount being spent at the bar.
  19. ha! I got really confused/freaked out there for a second! You guys are definately better, I guess maybe the fact that Obedience School doesn't market or label itself as 'freakish' has a big part of that. Who wants to be told that what they find interesting or erotic is abnormal?!
  20. Metarie


    I second the drunken twat thing, I got spat at because I told a guy to fuck off after he grabbed my ass. Nae happy. But the gig was immense. Men, Women and Children were fucking amazing and the bearded ginger jesus type and the sweaty topless singer were lovely at the merch stand. Managed to wrangle a shirt and a cd for 13, whoot! Wasn't too impressed with iFR!, they sounded very similar to the album, which is good I suppose, but because every song sounds the same it just melted into a sea of noise. Apart from the last song of the encore.
  21. Did anyone go on Saturday? Maybe I've read Bizarre too much but midgets in kilts and baldy tattooed guys who poke holes in their face just don't strike me as freakish. I don't know what I was expecting but it was pretty poor, nothing special at all. Remarkably I heard a lot of gasps of horror and disgust from the audience. And I think the floorshows at Obedience School are far more entertaining and professional than what was on display Saturday night, the girls on stage were utterly decorative an just stood there in New Rocks and corsets, shaking their bums occasionally. Poor show all in all. Roll on May 6th and the far more talented OS gals and guys.
  22. Bill Hicks was a legend, Goatboy is the single most disturbing comedy invention ever. 'Put your legs over my shoulders and let me wear you like a feedbag...grab hold of my horns.' o_O Frankie Boyle was a huge disappointment when he played at The Lemon Tree the other week. Most of his material was just taken from Mock The Week and considering that's probably where most of the audience knew him from it seemed a bit cheeky. Adam Hills is probably my favourite comedian at the moment. Played at the Tree in summer and was just a genuinely lovely guy. No dirty jokes or cheap laughs, he wanted everyone up to dance to Devendra Banhart at the end and stayed for a few drinks after the show which was ace. Female standups are pretty shit though, most jokes seems to be about being fat (which most are), being female (and all associated things: periods, children, being fat again, sex) and the occasional man bashing. Poor show ladies. Jo Brand is the eptiome of this. I hate her. Jane Garfalo, I think that's how you spell it, is pretty good but there's not much stuff going about. Black comedians are a similar bugbear. So you're black. Great. So that's a whole career's worth of material is it?
  23. Metarie

    Your current read?

    Does it explain the religious stuff too? I was really struggling with the final book in the trilogy until I read Paradise Lost for Uni and suddenly it all made a little more sense but it's a bit of an uphill slog too. I'm up to my eyeballs in Yeats, Plath and Auden for my dissertation but had to read Capote's In Cold Blood for class which was really good, rather similar to books like The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold, or vice versa considering what came first. I'm also flicking through The Dirty Bits of Girls which I got for Christmas and investigating books mentioned in that. Purely for educational reasons of course
  24. So when are these once monthly burlesque nights for us not in the know?
  25. Metarie

    hot fuzz

    I liked it but it was no Shaun of the Dead, I didn't find myself laughing as much. There were a few bits that made me giggle but mostly I was just sitting smiling in the dark. But that's still a good thing
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