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Lamest Band Of The Year Award


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Originally posted by jester1470:

The darkness are a one, maybe 2 album wonder at most, they are a terrible band, the solo's are so much a Brian May rip off the only thing that lets them down is the lack of talent,

this thread hurned into almost every one this site with an argument stating that "the darkness are rubbish because they are upbeat/talented/Happy!/not members of the Glassjaw fanclub/have cool solos/put smiles on peoples faces". if people dont like a nice bit of good old fashioned rock and roll...whats the world coming to? the darkness are bringing the wonderful music of the likes of Quo, Thin Lizzy, QUEEN and other great rock bands to the youth of today. They aren't as good as the aforementioned bands, but younger people today who are "told" by tv that the darkness are influenced by these bands have been raking through their parents record collections to have a listen to their various old rock&roll albums.

the darkness are here to stay. face it.

ps. also Ben, my apologies. i'll leave the Emo Statement piss alone. You listen to Foo Fighters...good enough for me. And to my knowledge aswell...Quik dont scream in their songs...so how can they be emo? iv never heard them so i dunno...

yeah, i was jumping on the bandwagon. lol.

sorry for any inconvenience caused, boys n girls....

next topic of discussion - School of Rock, who likes it?

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Originally posted by Tav:

I like the old emo jest now and again but not for sticking up for The Darkness...at least emo is attempting something new without borrowing <blatantly stealing> from every pre-90's style of rock...great The Darkness play rock but do we really need all the cheesy cliche's to cheapen the experience!

Attempting something new doesn't necessarily redeem itself that way. Every single genre there will be bands who will 'steal' off each other, if the Darkness even have well at least it's good and no one has been doing it for years. :cheers:

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The thing with bands borrowing ideas off of each other is that it doesn't happen in such an obvious or extensive way as the darkness do. I understand that in all music people will always take influences from other people I know I do and I know everyone else does but the darkness have gone beyond being influenced and are copying...much like a cover band but with different lyrics and notes if you see what I am getting at?

I think when you are copying/borrowing/being influenced that you really have to go beyond what has been done before ir branch out into something new as an off shoot...why copy something and not do it aswell? If I want to listen to that style of music I will listen to the oldies because they are better...however if the darkness were bringing some thing new or an evolution on the theme I may be more inclined to value what they are doing musically.

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Guest Zombie Re-Munched
Originally posted by Ben Quik:

ScottNP - Oh my..you are so funny...Really!! God, I cant believe you said "really? I thought it was a camel!" Fuck...get letterman on the phone...ScottNP needs his own slot...its such fresh material...Fuck off you loser!!

Camie - whatever mate....you always seem to have a hair up your ass where i am concerned...If i wasnt in either Quik or Weapon you would LOVE both and thats a fact...maybe youre another person who thinks i fucked your mum so have a problem that stems from nowhere with me...Ive also seen your little gay pro board forum thingy on your little boyish website and the heading is "non-emo stylings" or something!! Obviously you took that from me having "confident emo-stylings" as my user text for a while....! In the words of the prophets WAKE UP WAKE UP...as if i'd actually use that in seriousness...it was a description that Drakes gave us and I thought it was funny...you didnt get the irony...I mean anyone knows an "emo" band doesnt EVER call themselves "emo"...thats just such a punk rock faux pas and against all posturings that My minds weapon have...duhhhh!!! l.o.s.e.r!

Kris (zombie fit-ever!!) You bore me now! You used to REALLY wind me up...then you didnt but I found your constant attempts to "stir things up" and create mischief quite amusing! Then recently i found myself reading your posts and thinking to myself "thats really ALL he comes on here for...thats actually quite awful and pitiful"...thats your ONLY purpose for coming on here. Like a leach on the music scene who deosnt actually do anything...not even a gig goer...Jesus...im so sorry for you!

Its all good...ciao for now!


Benjamin, put your handbag down and behave yourself ya silly wee emoboy.

Not as sorry as i feel for you mate, i just wish i had the bravery and courage to spend more than half my day in front of a computer bullishly swearing and arguing vindictively at 15 year olds over a messageboard about nothing in particular every single day.

By the way, i go to my fair share of gigs as it happens, i just don't feel the need to go to every single fucking gig going. Some of us actually have other things to do with our lives Benjamin.

I also find the tact you take with me amusing Benjamin, a "leach on the music scene"(its "leech" but nevermind, i shall let most of your infantile spelling errors and poor grammar go this time) yet you say in the same breath that i don't actually do anything and i am not even a gig-goer so how one can be deemed a leech just beggars belief me old son. ?(

But thanks for taking the strenuous but risibly contradictory effort to provide such in-depth psychoanalysis to my posts, as well as others...

Kudos for the pat on the back of my straitjacket too Dr. Benjamin Freud.

See ya at the Fudge Awards buddy, sorry i can't give you a shoulder to cry your emo tears on but my shoulders have no room for all the bitter and twisted chips on both of them ;)

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Guest highroller

Im dissapointed champ....Thats the worst comeback you have comeback with mate...you are normally really good!! I think you are losing it...although I think you may have been a little less severe on me than normal because you are actually quite fond of me...!

Come on Kris...dont resort to what all these useless people that attempt to copy your wit and ability to wind up people do with the emo comments!!

Thats well below you saying stuff like "emo tears" etc etc.....

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evanescence - ok, so i'm a huge fan of their demo stuff - a bad case of a band 'selling out'.

white stripes - i get bored listening to them.

the darkness - a novelty just now, people will get fed up of them eventually.

longview/starsailor - for the same reason as the white stripes.

rancid - just not my cup of tea.

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Guest Zombie Re-Munched
Originally posted by Ben Quik:Im dissapointed champ....Thats the worst comeback you have comeback with mate...you are normally really good!! I think you are losing it...although I think you may have been a little less severe on me than normal because you are actually quite fond of me...!

"I coulda been a contender, i coulda been somebody".

Marlon Brando said that, just in case you got confused and thought it was a Funeral For A Friend lyric.

Come on Kris...dont resort to what all these useless people that attempt to copy your wit and ability to wind up people do with the emo comments!!

Thats well below you saying stuff like "emo tears" etc etc.....

Is it below saying everything and everyone is gay if they don't harbour similar tastes and opinions to yourself as well as telling teenagers to fuck off if they don't agree with you?.


Is it below slagging someone's job off cos they happen to work as a "lowly waiter" as you so eloquently and succinctly put it?

Out of interest, how old are you now anyway Benjamin?. I just need to know because judging by your frequently moronic posts, your mental age is a lot younger than your physical age.

Either that or someone has gained unauthorised access to your Aberdeen-Music.com account and is writing woefully abusive posts to people such as Yousef while purporting to be yourself Benjamin.

In fact, what i am gonna do is report this thread and the other ones this person claiming to be you seems to be embarrassing yourself using your good relevantly opinionated name on to Neil or one of the moderators so they can conduct an internal inquiry into whom is masquerading on these boards under your the presumably reputable name of Mr. Benjamin Timpson(a.k.a Benjamin Nesquik).

Surely such typically and commonly idiotic behaviour and such surly displays of playground mentality should not go un-noticed as this is all getting out of hand should it????.

I mean, just looking at the childish content of each supposedly Benjamin Quik post is enough to make alarm bells start ringing and i for one will not stand around and let such snide but laughably self-demeaning stuff this person has been posting under the name Ben Quik bring the good name of this website into horrible disrepute.

I just hope Neil Johnson has the courage of his convictions to instigate an internal inquiry to identify exactly who has been "sexing up" the messageboard forum rules by pretending to be someone else.

In fact, don't be surprised if you find Neil Johnson's suicide-inflicted corpse in a forest anytime soon...

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Guest highroller

I love the way that you dismiss that I may jus tbe defending the fact that there are one or two people who seem tojust jump on any post i make...I notice that you dont pick up on the likes of yousef talking utter bollocks whenever I post....Of course you'd never turn around say he is a dick for doing that all the time...no...why is that? To be honest I know you'll answer in some holier than thou way that totally smokes what my point is...theres really no point! Just for once i'd like to see you take a swipe at someone who is just a spiteful fucker and not have a go at the so called "popular" people.....Hopefully you'll take on board my point but i doubt it....

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Guest stuartmaxwell
Originally posted by tv tanned:

he's slagged me off many a time.

I take it on my chin. All six of them

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

its early

"more chins than a chinese phonebook"-what film was that from again???

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