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Oedo 808

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Everything posted by Oedo 808

  1. Smoking the cocktails? That's some pretty heavy shit right there. Prawnies are more addictive than Heroin. FACT. There's no real scientific evidence for it, but it is a fact.
  2. I must have really bad memory loss from around this period. I don't remember much about this gig at all.
  3. I'm available for solo gigs. Cheers.
  4. I was a bit gutted when it turned out to be just another shitty Shutterspeed rip-off for oldies
  5. I thought this was going to be a thread about trying to buy beer in ASDA
  6. These pick ups are pretty old: If you and I were squirrels, could I bust a nut in your hole? I'd like to wrap your legs around my head and wear you like a feed bag. If it's true that we are what we eat, I could be you by morning! How do you like your eggs in the morning: poached, scrambled, or fertilized? I was about to go masturbate and I needed a name to go with your face. Roses are red. Violets are blue. I like spaghetti. Let's go fuck. Is that a keg in your pants? 'Cause I would love to tap that ass! You remind me of a Championship bass, I don't know whether to mount you or eat you! Your parents must be retarded, because you are special. Could I touch your belly button. . . . from the inside? I'm not too good at algebra, but doesn't U + I = 69? How about we play lion and lion tamer? You hold your mouth open, and I'll put my head in.
  7. Upstairs in Espionage is good on a Thursday
  8. He can stand on a yellow pages. *mwah!*
  9. Not even a fatal accident can stop you now.
  10. Why don't you just post your tags?
  11. Aye, you realise this one isn't my lead? It's Ryan's. Probably not. It's the first new recording since we started playing again together. There's three more to come. I'll take that as a backhanded compliment since I wrote that one.
  12. Is everyone in the band multi-instrumentalists?
  13. I'm glad we've pinned it down.
  14. What was good about that one?
  15. I submit: http://www.aberdeen-music.com/forums/feedback-forum/53005-toxic-distortion-aberdeens-most-know-hair-metal-band.html
  16. Some good points Original Spies, but I think you put more stock in the general public's willingness to seek out and discover new music than I do. A lot of people prefer to have their music discover them. Social networking sites offer a way of reaching your audience pro-actively, while bandcamp does not. If people only discovered music on myspace by typing the bands name into the address bar I'd concede defeat, but that's not the case, and it's increasingly not the case with facebook either.
  17. What makes you think you're pretty enough to play in a gay bar?
  18. Wow, so Club Home is the place that puts the home in home-o-sexual? That's genius man. I was getting a big gay bleep off of this thread - gaydar as reliable as ever! Booya! I'd have no qualms about playing a this place, probably be a good laugh. Still, if they want lassies, they want lassies.
  19. I love brrrrrraap! It's ace! I also like ba-ding, booya, pow pow, and schwing. Many of my favourites.
  20. This advert is wonderfully bizarre; I love it! Being gender specific doesn't bother me, but I am curious for the reasons behind it. Also, what sort of support can you offer for inexperienced acts?
  21. The guys from AFI do an electronic band called Blaqk Audio. Blaqk Audio on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads
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