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Oedo 808

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Everything posted by Oedo 808

  1. Did you play 'As I Bloom Like The Flowers of Spring'? I don't remember hearing that one.
  2. It was a good gig. Bumped into a couple of the nice young lassies who'd been at your show after the gig - I think they were impressed.
  3. That's true. I remember watching the Morpheus fight the first time and thinking he might actually lose which is what gave it better excitement value than some of the other fights.
  4. Morpheus vs Agent on The Freeway What's yours?
  5. I kinda thought the ending of that last one was going to be bigger... I think my favourite of the three is Tongue Can't Tell, it's got a bit more oomph than the other two.
  6. Liking the tunes... be interesting to see what everyone else thinks of it.
  7. I set myself the challenge of recording a song in under two hours. Think it took about three due to me not remembering what all the buttons did but with the exception of the second guitar part I managed every track in one take. Woop! Woop! More importantly I hope you don't think it's shit. Robert Knight on PureVolume.com Believe me Every thought Im thinking Every word Im singing Its all for you; all for you And every time Im sighing Like a piece of me is dying It means Im needing you Chorus Youre by my side You give me your hand and Ill take it Squeezed three times means I.. love.. you.. And were walking I dont know where were going But Im happy just knowing that Im going there with you Heart ache We can solve all our problems If we have will and we want to Its up to you; and up to me Imagination embrace it Reality I cant face it If its not with you
  8. Also, new theme. Genius. And this. And this. YouTube - Doctor Who Unleashed Series Five Track One - Every Star, Every Planet (The Doctor's Theme) Cracking piece of music.
  9. Anyway, back to the episode itself which I thought was very well done. It recycled a few ideas used previously in both Blink and The Girl In The Fireplace so you knew it was a Moffat episode. I did think Matt's Doctor retained too many of the frantic elements of David's performance, but it's still very early days and I think it'd be a bit daft to read too much into that. I thought the ending when the Atraxi displayed all the Doctors incarnations was pretty cool and I thought that the idea of the Monster being more than one thing at a time worked well. The two heads (man and dog) moving as one was a nice touch. The bit when it all seemed to freeze in the scene with the Matrix-esque type effect... well, I didn't really know what that was supposed to be all about (are you saying that this how the doctor sees reality?) but it looked good. Overall it looks like the series might have had more money thrown at it this season, but not in the wardrobe department. Bow ties suck.
  10. I like Alicia but I call April Bowbly... ...AND Christina Hendricks...
  11. I'll make a note of the 30th, where's the gig at? I think PoO are going to be taking a wee break for now but that'll give me a chance to concentrate on doing my solo stuff, most likely I'll catch you at one of these open mics at JPs or something.
  12. Don't agree. Redheads are ace, lassies from up north are ace.
  13. I wouldn't worry just because a few folk on here think your influences are pish. Stick to your guns... it's very difficult to be uninfluenced by something anyway.
  14. How was the gig on Saturday? My cousin was heading down but I couldnae make it.
  15. This one has a better description of the events
  16. He's explaining the origins of the songs as well though
  17. A little bit of old stuff, a little bit of new stuff that's as yet unheard.
  18. Tru dat. They're beginning to dey my head in.
  19. Oedo 808


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  20. I agree, spotify free music is the way to go. Buy a CD.
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