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Oedo 808

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Everything posted by Oedo 808

  1. I fucking hate Calvin Harris, but I look forward to seeing the band anyway.
  2. Me speaking pish before tonight's gig Point of Origin Interview Flares n Seagulls
  3. Someone must've sat you down for a long chat.
  4. A new about about. You know, approximately something poorly defined that you just might find around. There's more to it than that I think but that almost covers it; it's just about what they are and that's what they're all about.
  5. Fuck me, brilliant choice. Also used to love "Starlight" or whatever its proper title was. Think I mentioned "Milk" and "Elixir".
  6. Seriously, I read that and thought, "That must've been someone else cos I don't remember that one". It's come back to me though - "And I just wanna dance!" Trying to play it again now but struggling. Title's a cheeky wee wink to The Beatles as well.
  7. Oedo 808


    I didn't think P2 was bad at all.
  8. That's good. Still, no one has actually been able to figure out what the myspace charts are based upon. It's not plays per day or total plays so you've got to wonder.
  9. How do you make them "local"? I thought the most you could filter was "UK". Besides, I wouldn't put much stock in the myspace charts, they don't have any rhyme or reason to them at all.
  10. I would have thought even if you didn't care about getting paid the sensible thing to do would be to keep that information to yourself, or alternatively tell everyone and get yourself an agent.
  11. Have you tried kicking his cunt in?
  12. There's plenty of people (especially in musical circles) who will give you props and a big slap on the back when you sell yourself short. Why should I be one of them? From your tone it seems to me you think I'm having a go at John W, when I'm not.
  13. I think it's safe to say that none of us play for the money; it's not like I'm raking in a fortune from the one gig Point of Origin are playing each month, but the "I'm not really fussed" attitude is a bit amateurish in any aspect of your music whether you're talking about your material, your promotion, rehearsals, recording, gigs or the money you get paid for doing them.
  14. I wouldn't be happy with that at all. I like money, because then it's my choice whether I want to pish it up against a wall. To answer the question about a rider, some venues give you a rider without you requesting one, but most don't. If beer is an important concern for you Moorings give bands a discount on their bar prices and an open mic night will often win you a free beer or two. This is exactly it. Those bands get a rider because it's in their contract. When I ran some gigs for Jamesy I would be amazed at some of the bands requests, asking for particular types of crisps or sweets with the words "NOT GENERIC BRAND NAME EQUIVALENT" written afterwards. That would always fuck me off, especially when it was some weird fucking thing you could only get in a health food shop somewhere or something they only sell in the states. One band had a request "A selection of 20 or more freshly made sandwiches with 5 (but not more) containing non-meat fillings". I remember making boiled ham sandwiches in The Tunnels thinking, "What the fuck is this all about?"
  15. Good point. I think if venues consistently overestimate capacity it trains you to guess high. Flash- I've just found a thread where you offer to take someone out on a pub crawl with a laser device to calculate the capacity of Aberdeen venues. Sounds like a decent night. Sometime next week aye?
  16. The thing about Drummonds is it looks massive cos it's on two floors. I think my guesses were nae bad. Also, I would have thought the Moorings was a bit bigger than 190 after it's last wee change and the same with your Drummonds quote since the changed bar layout freed more floor space.
  17. I don't understand. What is a small label company? -Do you record any material yourself, if yes, do you use your own D.A.W. or do you record at a recording studio in Aberdeen? I use a Yamaha AW1600 and the services of various studios. -How often do you record at a recording studio within 6 months? About once every 6 months but more in my own home -What recording studio(s) do you use? Toms, Exile, might try something else in the future -Would you pay to have your music mixed with a professional monitoring system? It's a bit vague, but yes -Would like to have you music mixed by a professional sound engineer? Same as above -Would you be happy with a promoting and distributing service once your music has been mastered? I'd be delighted -Would you be happy with having your music sold in your local CD stores? Out with One UP? That would be nice. -Would you be happy about having your music distributed nationally (Scotland, England, Wales & Northern Ireland)? Delighted -Is there any specific recording and or processing equipment to make your tracks better quality? I wouldn't know, you'd need to tell me I'm afraid
  18. Tunnels 1 + 2 aren't that different size wise. I'd say Tunnels 1 pushes over 200 while Tunnels 2 is 150. Moorings 200 Drummonds 300 Warehouse 650 (according to old Moshulu venue specs) Lop about 50 folk off of any of those numbers and you'll still have a busy gig.
  19. Wait, there's a fuse in the amp as well as the plug? Do you know where he gets it sorted and how much it costs?
  20. I have an old skool Marshall VS100R and it's recently stopped working. I don't remember it blowing while I was playing or anything but it just won't turn on any more. I've tried switching about kettle leads to no joy. Any ideas what might be causing this?
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