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Oedo 808

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Everything posted by Oedo 808

  1. Aye, well when you said it was brand new I didn't realise you meant "Brand new as of half an hour ago" brand new. I'll keep an eye on it though.
  2. I'm not sure why you're telling us you're doing this? Surely this would just be something you would do and if successful say "We're in this competition on TV..." and if not never mention or think about it again. I don't understand. At all. Previous Winners - 2007 BKAY & KAZZ : NEW SINGLE - OUT DEC 15th on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads (Hip Hop/Dancehall) 2008 Kiddo360 on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads (Female fronted Electronica) 2009 The Detours on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads (Alternative Rock - Appearing at The Moorings on May 15th) It's all stuff that fits into easily defined, easily understandable and popular mainstream musical genres. I don't know if the judges will consider Iron Maiden-esque stuff to be in the same category as that. I don't want to put you off in any way, all credit for doing it, but don't be disheartened if it's two minutes and cheerio.
  3. I've already heard a few of the tracks and I think they're ace.
  4. Would there be merit in having a forum discussing and recommending local/national radio shows playing alternative music? We could also sticky up a thread compiling radio stations that will listen to and potentially play indie/alternative bands. Could be a decent resource.
  5. I like 123 & In for a band name. It's got both childlike and punky qualities about it. The band themselves sound a bit like Relient K with shades of The Starting Line. It's not bad.
  6. You boys really seem to be churning the material out at the moment which is no bad thing. I like your work-ethic, I like the songs - I admire you guys more and more.
  7. At least, I think that's what he was saying. So there you go, the real reason we invaded Iraq was as a perfect staging ground for invasion into Iran. It's like that great scene from "W." all over again. On a slightly different line my favourite bit of this whole enquiry was on BBC News 24 today when they asked a Kurdish-Iraqi lady what she thought of it all and she said something like, "Why are you British still talking about this? We've got rid of Saddam now and we're happy about it". Enjoyed that immensely.
  8. Why does anyone care what Nick Mitchell's favourite bands of the Noughties are? The Noughties were a shite decade anyway.
  9. ...but eventually so many buses got wrecked and the drivers got so much agro they didn't want to do it. So First decided not to put on the service any more.
  10. No, because the only track I ever heard by Iname was an instrumental.
  11. Are you going to slap his pee-pee with a big heavy stick?
  12. I think you can. Heller State's vocals are better.
  13. Oh right (shmu yeah?) well I must say I think it's a noble mission of yours to include more local acts in your show. Good for you. The problem is trying to think of bluesy acts from the local area as I'm really scratching my head. What sort of things are you playing currently?
  14. Oedo 808

    Mock The Week

    You mean to say Russell Howard is even more shite than I thought he was? Fuck me. Give me a few topics and an afternoon to think about it I'm sure I could come up with funnier jokes than him.
  15. Oh, this is the lady that sung the Dollhouse theme tune. Nice voice. YouTube - Dollhouse Music Video with Jonatha Brooke
  16. Right, but where is the money coming from?
  17. Oedo 808

    Mock The Week

    Frankie made what he did look easy. The simple fact is that it's not. Not being on the show will hopefully freshen up his live show a bit.
  18. Aye, seems it had slipped down the back of an old 2p.
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