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Oedo 808

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Everything posted by Oedo 808

  1. The boy that started the fight? Pure bam.
  2. Did anyone even land a punch? EDIT: Joey Terrifying - remember their drummer from PMX.
  3. I'm a whizz with Ms Paint.
  4. I might as well before someone else does
  5. Fancy making it sunday afternoon and maybe having a few pints after?
  6. Does it matter? I think they'll most likely be of all shapes and sizes, I'd expect there'd be a few to take your fancy whatever type you go for.
  7. Ouch. I didn't even get an interview for this.
  8. It was quite entertaining watching the Tories on election night and finding their candidate names were pretty much exactly like this.
  9. I think it's been a good thread. Plenty of ideas for taking someone out in Aberdeen.
  10. I didn't have a girl in mind, it was a theoretical question.
  11. Tonight's was good. Are the cracks in the Universe emanating from the keyhole of The Tardis? Is that why the explosion that caused them was said to occur in Amy's time? Did we witness that explosion in David Tennant's/Matt Smith's regeneration?
  12. That's a REALLY terrible film to see on a "first date". I'm amazed I got any after that one.
  13. That's a shame, giving orders to slutbags is a speciality of mine.
  14. You're right there. We don't want it. I didn't realise that Britain are one of only 5 nations with a bye into the finals, the rest all have to go through semis. The other automatic finalists are (in case by some miracle you're interested) France, Germany, Norway and Spain. You can just imagine us saying "Fuck it, if there's semis involved we're no playing!"
  15. I prefer Books 'n Beans at the moment, but same idea. I think Coffee is a fine date idea as long as it's not one of the big chains.
  16. How shit is our entry? Even crappier than last year? I can't remember in all honesty, but this one's really crap. YouTube - Josh - That Sounds Good To Me (Eurovision United Kingdom 2010).flv
  17. I've come up with a few band names that are UTTERLY BRILLIANT already, or totally awful; I'm not sure which. It turns out that "Bukkake Tsunami" is already taken but I have plenty others where that came from. I'd add that this band will be my last attempt to inflict my warped genius upon the British listening public before I implement my back up plan of a solo pop career in Eastern Europe. So the stakes are high. Also, isn't the Romanian entry for Eurovision good?
  18. Totally read that as a gayatone compressor. Think that would make for a great pedal. "Yeah, turn up the sparkle a bit your guitar doesn't sound gay enough".
  19. We could make Aberdeen the Seattle of the century...
  20. I think I'm going to start a grunge band. I'm not saying you can be in MY grunge band, but who else wants to be in a grunge band?
  21. The last date I can remember taking to a gig walked out on me half way through the night so I ended up having to sleep with someone I met at the club afterwards. A gig isn't a good idea for a first date.
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