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captain burrito

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Everything posted by captain burrito

  1. the bread maker on rosemount is really good if you're after soup and a sandwich. tasty with a capital ta!
  2. if you run that shirt through an audio scanner, it shouts "gooooooooaaallll!!!" at you.
  3. we need to sign him up and then get a shirt sponsorship with the g unit.
  4. beCyCle - hire a bicycle from a place on don street [i think] Aberdeen Cycle Forum
  5. all of this, 'cept i have a beard. still got to shave the neck though, as neckbeards essentially say "do not have sex with me".
  6. i believe the building was originally used as a warehouse for cattle and bananas.
  7. in the same match? those king ribs took forever and a day.
  8. i hope gigs do happen in the back room. it'll roughly be the same size as another old venue that i have very fond memories of...
  9. no problem man. if you don't mind buying second hand, then dead format can be good for limited stuff and requests - Dead Format - Vinyl News, Pressing Information, Tradelists, Message Board - Dead Format
  10. i've only ever ordered vinyl from them and it's been no problem. they do tend to keep the lp's in the sleeves though, which gets on my tattie bojangles.
  11. i mostly buy from: no idea - No Idea Records - they have a really good distro and are pretty cheap vinyl collective - Vinyl Collective Store i don't know if you meant that you didn't want sites based in america [both of these are] but they are reliable and the staff are very helpful should a problem occur. i once ordered a specific colour from no idea but they ran out so they emailed me to ask if i wouldn't mind a different colour along with 20% of my next order! plus both places stick some free shit in with your parcel.
  12. to add value, how about track-by track commentaries or something like on movie dvds? that would be pretty cool and may give insights into recording tricks or what certain lyrics mean. anyways, i'm not too fussed about the decline of the cd. as long as no idea and vinyl collective still ship me 12 inch pieces or circular wax for the forseeable future, i'll be a happy chappy.
  13. does this help? the red is the guys shirt, the green his trousers. the blue is the security dudes trousers.
  14. something about this new tv deal dosen't sit right with me. BBC SPORT | Football | Scottish Premier | SPL agrees TV deal with Sky-ESPN seems like its more grabbing at the most money rather than promoting the SPL.
  15. "freddy, you don't look 15" "yeh adu!"
  17. captain burrito


    not many people know that michael macintyre started his career in frasier:
  18. anyone else been watching the CONCACAF Gold Cup highlights/games? CONCACAF Gold Cup Videos - Latest CONCACAF Gold Cup highlights, videos and football news GOL GOL GOL GOL GOL GOL GOL love the commentary.
  19. if you knew who superman really was, would you go fuck with him?
  20. a 60m loss for mr. shepherd for a start.
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