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captain burrito

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Everything posted by captain burrito

  1. don't want to seem like a douchebag, but sushi has nothing to do with fish wether it is raw/cooked/tinned or otherwise. it's the way the rice is prepared. therefore all comments regarding wether one place has 'real' sushi or not is kinda unfair.
  2. what aberdeen wouldn't give for a 15 goals striker now.
  3. fyvie from what i've seen also. nae feart to play. i want foster for captain next season.
  4. the 15 ticket price is putting me off. could be swayed if it's hot girls knocking the shit out of each other, rather than butch girls. maybe hot, butch girls...?
  5. two to the chest, one to the head.
  6. enlighten me about le stu and surfer rosa's posts? i fear it is something glaringly obvious, BUT I MUST KNOW!
  7. i've bought and sold guitars over ebay. just covered them in bubble wrap and put them in an old gig bag and got a courier to come pick it up. never cost more than 20 and never had any complaints.
  8. they're probably still pissed that we stole their beach.
  9. the 2nd one isn't risky business, is it?
  10. nah, might as well drag her to the top of the seaton highrises. saves you abit of cash and you might even find some free skag so that when you get back on solid ground you can still be reasonably high.
  11. nice walk around hazlehead park then stop off for a coffee on the way down queen's road back into town. winner.
  12. i wasn't talking about genre, i was talking about clarity > futures.
  13. then you're both completely, utterly wrong. clarity is one of the few albums i think is actually beautiful.
  14. dear landlord - dream homes saves the day - can't slow down screeching weasel - my brain hurts dillinger 4 - situationist comedy the ergs! - dorkrockcorkrod or something like that.
  15. i was actually thinking about getting a cove rangers season ticket for this season, but no-one else seemed really into it for some reason.
  16. starting a new club would probably be alot easier than rebuilding the current one.
  17. 32.50 is the reported ticket price. unless the support is something amazing, then not really bothered about going. saw them a few years ago in glasgow and they were off the pace then, would imagine they're worse now given the "energy" of their recent american tv performances.
  18. before i clicky the linky, is it mac compatible?
  19. especially after you've just kicked them in the nuts.
  20. some joke about a blow job or a hoover or something.
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