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captain burrito

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Everything posted by captain burrito

  1. The fact that Zeus has shaved his beard off is more interesting than the game.
  2. It's working now. For me anyways. Almost rued not tuning in the tele.
  3. Aye, I found it after clicking on a few things. Thanks for the heads up though. Playing without a striker, this'll be a cracker for sure o_O
  4. Will I be able to watch the game via the BBC website?
  5. Zander can be "Face" because, well...he's no a bonnie loon. Paton can be "Book" because McGhee's probably thrown it at him a few times now.
  6. Absolute peach. I love it when you see what was probably a training ground piss-take/trick/prank come good on the field of play.
  7. I fucking love Huey Lewis & the News. So did Marty McFly. We don't kill people, we thrill them. Or something. Anyways, back on topic. Gropecunt Lane - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  8. You got a Parker pen for a birthday when you were TEN?
  9. Wikipedia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  10. The headline there threw me for a second.
  11. I wish I could sing Tune reminds me of Superchunk, bang tidy.
  12. I sense a sister thread of "thumb and silly face" sized proportions.
  13. He gets 650k a year? I'd quite happily do his job for 1/20th the price. Hey BBC, hear that? I can talk shit and play records for a few hours, no bother.
  14. The new Atlas record is awesome and free to download from here - SIQ SHIT x THE BLOG : Atlas x "Beauty & the Blues"
  15. "We did everything right but score a goal." So essentially, we did everything right bar the main objective of a football match?
  16. Dubstep and dub aren't the same thing. I was mislead.
  17. The 80s are far enough away to be liked in an ironic and kitsch fashion by people who weren't even born in the decade. In a couple more years, it'll be the 90s that ends up getting rehashed.
  18. You could argue that the pop music of the 90s and the 00s is just as, if not more, terrible.
  19. YouTube - Huey Lewis & The News - Back in Time(1985)
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