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Everything posted by Huw

  1. Great! Hopefully we can play a gig where things/we don't fuck up! Looking forward to it.
  2. Huw

    Music Blogs

    Yeah, was just a little dissappointed when I pressed Breather Resist and only that came up. I used this mainly to get Sinaloa back catalogue, which is lush. I will purchase soon.
  3. Huw

    Music Blogs

    LYRICS WILL NOT REACH THE AUDIENCE Pretty much every good/not good emo/diy/screamo band ever ever. So good.
  4. Speak to the man at Wizard pick-ups if your going for new ones - he's dead helpful. Think you can get a humbucker for around 60-80, but it can be tailored to your specs at no extra cost i believe. There was a massive thread on punktastic that had a bit about pickups... I'm sure the guy from Wizard taught the guy from Bareknuckle or something like that? Maybe I'm just havering shite.
  5. I want to know this story... Will be a good one. Was on Hey Enemy's space the other day before I heard about this and thought it was quite cool. Must listen again.
  6. ASIWYFA were pretty good for the six songs for me, but I'm not voting for them because of that guitarists stupid SWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH pedal. Seriously, at the end of every part... SWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOSH.
  7. Huw

    50 Cent

    Aesop is so great, I wish I understood more of his metaphors though. Despite the complexity of most of his work, he can still produce undeniably catchy choruses and hooks: Coffee is prolly the best example. 50 Cent is a state, but he and his music are for all intensive purposes 'chart' (I'd expect most his songles to be on a Now CD for sure). Like Murr says, if you can switch it on for the first time nod your head and singalong to the chorus the second time round, it has done it's job. If you want good flow, pronunciation and rhymes you're going to be dissappointed.
  8. When was the last time you were in RnB man? They've had Orange stock in since forever! Mind you, if they didn't have one for you to try out fair enough. I've had good expeiences with the guys in Rainbow too. I've seen plenty people get away with 30 watt output. It doesn't seem to be so much the case nowadays, but older 100W amps are really really loud. Dual terror looks good on YouTube, would like to hear it in person.
  9. Downloaded it a while ago, but my pal gave me a free copy of Stop It!! - Self Made Maps, which is great.
  10. Yeah Haho deserve something I feel, regardless of fudge appearances. they are doing good for themselves. I'd stick them in best indie with COTC. Uncalm, Grader and Ablach for best punk? Have Uncalm and Grader been around too long to go in best newcomer? Best comback... Turning 13. Although they weren't my thing, I'm surprised nobody has put Kartta down for most missed. What about Cap Sant and all two of their gigs. I miss them anyway. Does the Korova rock thing count as a clubnight? I always have a good larf there.
  11. if i'm free will try and head down too, especially to catch spyamp. two decent locals too.
  12. Huw

    WANTED: Valve Amp

    Yeah the more I look around and stuff, seems the 400 is a pretty decent price for a thoroughly decent amp. Gonna have a long hard think about what I want. Watch a lot of you tube vids and try some out for myself. Spending on my bass head (even in the current climate of abidy being broke) was the best decision I have ever made, and I think maybe stretching my budget a bit now will give me long term happiness and, most importantly - tone.
  13. Ahh rubbish. Shame that. Still looking forward to Kuda though... and people singing Dana songs between ours?
  14. Huw

    WANTED: Valve Amp

    Cheers for the heads up Graham! 399 is a bit pricey for a Bassman though non? I'll have a look around.
  15. Huw

    WANTED: Valve Amp

    They go dead cheap some times too. It's finding one that is the problem. Good for recording bass with too, according to Sam L4. Hot Rods are good, deluxe is a little small if I decided to do some rotten hardcore I reckon. Devilles are nice if I got the distortion modded or summat. I think they're a bit over priced new though - would take one second hand for sure!
  16. Huw

    WANTED: Valve Amp

    Well because I was looking at vintagey stuff it was around 250-350, but like I say if the price is right my overdraft might be able to take a hit. I'm sick of playing through my HH so quietly and want a giggable guitar amp.
  17. Huw

    WANTED: Valve Amp

    Got a response, more would be appreciated. Thx.
  18. I'm looking to buy myself a decent guitar valve amp for christmas and was wondering if anybody had considered selling theirs. I've been looking at vintage ones (your carlsbro top 50s, simms watts, WEM, sound city etc as well as more trad vintage like jcm 800s), but only really on ebay. So if anybody who posts on here has a nice valve amp they'd be willing to let go... holler! I'd consider pretty much anything, old or new from 30 watts to 100watts (preferably about 50). I'd probably prefer a head, but I'd consider combos aswell. If you've got anything please get in touch. Thanks.
  19. Huw

    Loud band!

    if nobody else's is, my bass can be pretty loud.
  20. Nah, surely not. That one about an asterisk is pretty rubbish? I juust think the rest don't have a sniff on the first three. Except possibly a documented emotional breakdown #1.
  21. I've heard some folk say they don't like Black Wax, but as a stand alone pop tune it is brilliant. That wee guitarist can fairly play.
  22. I'm really quite excited for this. Interested to see who the supports are. I'm gonna go listen to this now.
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