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Everything posted by Huw

  1. The Boss is basically sold. The Alesis however is still very much available. This is firewire mind... 4 simulataneous tracks to your computer (i.e. you can record drums)
  2. I can't afford it... but I sure do want one!
  3. I saw the teaser video for these on myspace last week. The whole range looks super versatile and jusging by every other blackstar product around, will sound great too. Think it was 'revealed' just today at NAMM. Blackstar Amplification
  4. The place we used to practice would have been perfect for this. Had a studio set up with a separate control room and that, but the live room would have been awesome for wee basement gigs. Shame it all fell through. There is a huge gap in the market in Aberdeen for just what Tom is saying. If I had the capital/know how I'd be on it in a second. In fact, either would do. There might be some help available financially from the gov't too if you look in the right place, I can't be sure though.
  5. I don't think the prices would be such an issue if the quality, like Tom says was really good. Captain Toms (don't get me wrong the place and the staff are great and I always buy my strings, picks etc and practice there) for example you pay 120 for most of a day. Go down to Dundee and you can get the Seagate studio for a similar price. The gulf in quality is enormous. I would say the CT recordings are good enough for free/cheap demos, but Seagate is defintely good enough for an album (for unsigned acts I guess) and with a bit more money even some airplay. Kaddish and Archives both have albums recorded there and are both very listenable. They're by no means perfect (the kick drum sound being the most noticable problem), but definitely value for money. When Carson recorded with Robin sutherland he was 120 bucks a day too and he's done some really great, high quality stuff like Copy Haho's first seven inch, the most recent Stapleton album and the Avast! album. Even Tom who used to play in Allergo is better and although I don't know his rates, I'm sure it's little more than fuck all. I would happily use his recordings (based on the most recent uncalm and Grader recordings) for an album. Aberdeen just has very very little to offer by way of studios with good gear or top quality engineers that really should be doing better things, but aren't there yet and/or actually give a crap.
  6. Still going with 100 for the Alesis and 110 for the Boss. Bargains, ken? Like I say the Alesis comes with firewire cable and Boss comes with flash memory upgraded to 1 gb.
  7. I have changed my mind again. Both back up for sale. Paranoid can have first dibs on the boss if still interested?
  8. Sound Control in Glasgow used to have em so try Reverb maybe? They're one of them brands that were small so they made good guitars dead cheap and now th prices are rising... non? Kurt Ballou uses some (may even have a sig model) so they must sound/be good.
  9. Is there not only like 3 people on this forum that have actually 'taken sides'? Somebody told me what the story was with the new Warehouse thing starting, but I was pretty cut and I can't remember much. Mind it was something to do with the boy who started it getting fucked over though. Somebody else should elaborate on this gloriously useful titbit.
  10. Stef is such a hero. Saw an interview and he was just like "the guy's from Meshuggah played them so I just gotta have me one!" I like how he changes up tuning/guitars for every record so nothing gets rehashed - at least to a certain extent.
  11. Can the Orange handle 50W? How much you selling for? How much for the Bare Knuckle? I think my mother made me and you have a very odd patch cable related conversation over the phone today.
  12. I've tried out the blackstar pedal a bit the past couple of days. It's pretty smart. It's got two stomp selectors and the first has two channels in it - clean and crunch. When I've been using the clean I've been cranking the gain to full and it sounds great. Rich 'valve amp with preamp at 10 tone' Lovely. The only thing i notice is that when you try and play it like you would a normal clean channel you lose a bit of bass, which is strange. Makes open chords absolutely sing though. The crunch is great too. Chunky clear mids with just enough bass to carry it. I crank it and try and rip off Desalvo - what I imagine an Orange distortion would sound like. Very full and clear. The Channel 2 is my least favourite. I'm just not sure what to do with it. A little too saturated and metallic sounding for my tastes and what I'd like to do with it, but I pull it back to about half way and fiddle with the EQ and get a similar (but less good) tone to the crunch. It just seems a little more lofi that channel 1. This is the main con, but another is that I found like EQ a little unresponsive. Would be better if it was a bit more sensitive.I find that the actual frequencies affected by the EQ are a little wierd too - the bass seems really really low. If it was my ideal pedal it would have a bit more gain available on the crunch channel and have the clean and crunch on separate channels and do away waith the second channel. I think eventually I'll sell this a buy the two blackstar pedals which make up the clean and crunch channels and use my TC for extra boost should it be required. Gonna maybe invest in a decent delay equaliser and that seymour duncan pickup booster too.
  13. The Kaddish LP. It's so great. Unless something really amazing comes out I can pretty much guarantee it's my album of 2010. No filler whatsoever. Just 10 totally brilliant songs. Apart from that looking forward to new Deftones (Heroes is it's name isn't it?), Los Camp!, Avast! and Uncalm. Sure there is more, but can't remember. With some luck and if we pull our fingers out maybe even a Carson Wells one too. p.s. Unwinding Hours
  14. fuck! I never noticed the multiple vote thing either. Uncalm just pipped Ablach to the post for me musically, but Ablach are doing great thing with that festival of fastness in Europe. Need to geyt my hands on Aon.
  15. Got my new Sound City 50 plus head just before Christmas, but it needs a lot of work done. Sounds sweet, but really wanna let it rip. Since it's just a single channeler I've got myself a Blackstar HT Dual distortion pedal too as there meant to sound great and be pretty versatile too. Pretty psyched to try em out together. If I have the caswh I might get another guitar too or hot rod my old Les Paul. Paranoid... you use that Selmer wityh your Bass? How's it sound?
  16. Jeez, totally forgot abut this! I'd still like it if you have it, but if not that's cool. Number coming your way now!
  17. Good gig. Fun to play. Good turn out for a sunday aswell. Dead End seem to enjoy themselves, but i've never been a fan of all that machismo in hardcore at all (except for Hatebreed - because it's borderline ironic). There drummer is tight. Enjoyed Grader a lot. Like all the posi-sounding octaves and singalong bits. Pretty tight as well Just a shame about all that limb flailing, but I guess it comes with the territory. I suppose people are enjoying themselves. Saying that - do all the limb flailers not usually stand at the back at gigs in the states? That's how it should be here. I hate the massive void there always is between the band and the crowd that it causes. Apart from that minor thing - Good night
  18. I heard good things about Deportees. Look forward to the next 'un.
  19. Islet sound like they could be pretty interesting live. Like Phil says I really hope LC! are totally righteous and singalong etc. I have seen a few videos and its gone both ways, but the newer ones do seem better. Hopefully it'll be good. I think the Violin/viola is the best bit. Makes the big parts kinda soaring and in the quiet parts she's tasteful. Never thought much of the previous girl singer, but interested to see the new one.
  20. As it says, but will consider any similar (and good) double channel overdrive/distortion if its good. I have a TC Electronic Vintage Overdrive and a Proco Rat that we could maybe sort out a sale or p/x for? Or I could sell those pedals to buy your pedal? Post or PM if you have something. Thanks
  21. Erm... it's prolly be easier just to have a shot. By the time I've recorded something that doesn't sound the way you want it and is recorded poorly you may as well have anyway. The orange is sold in a lot of places, but you'll find nowhere actually keeps any instore (even the likes of sounds live). I found it virtually imopossible to find one and there definitely wasn't any in Scotland when I looked. Very very frustrating. but understandable i guess.
  22. The 400+ is a great amp too. Similar controls to that of the SVT4 bass middle and treble with deafeatable 9 band graphic eq. If you like a lot of room for manoeuvre (sp?) then it's prolly the best all tube bet. It's quite dark sounding if you run your bass straight into it, but I run an MXR di with the colour switch on which brightens it up nicely. However, this amp (like most all tube amps) is heavy as sin. It has 12 power tubes which, if you go for an overhaul, will cost a fortune (300ish i'd imagine) to replace. I don't know why it has 12 power tubes. Mesa said its so the valves run cooler prolonging their life etc, but Scotty's head used to overheat and blow fuses all the time as did mine initially. It doesn't really like sharing power sockets either as the draw is pretty big i'd imagine. The pro of the sound totally outweigh all those cons for me though. I tried the Orange AD200 when I was looking for an amp and thought it was rubbish. Gain on half and volume on half through an Ashdown 810 sitting right in front of it you'd expect it to blow my head off but it didn't. The sound was kind of flappy and loose. Admittedly back then I tried it out with a PJ set up bass (jazz sound is more to my taste) and I'm not sure how well the Ashdown cabs fare when compared to the likes of the Ampeg equivalent. I did notice that the eq section was pretty unresponsive though. Like I say, not a fair test, but I can definitely say it fell well short of my expectations. A lot of pros use em though and when I saw Converge and ETID it sounded good both times. EDIT: I've heard the old JCM800 bass series were pretty good too.
  23. Looking forward to finally get to see Grader live. Although there seemed to be a ton of bands doing the straight forward hardcore thing this past year (over the chun chun metal thing), they are one of the few that i think hit the nail on the head. At least based on the mp3s. Yeah! Snarly vocals remind me of Daryl from Glassjaw... also good.
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