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Everything posted by Huw

  1. Hey man. What are the cleans like with these pick ups?
  2. Watched Crank Resolution at Glastonbury. It's really good. Your singer goes for it, which you know I like a lot. Will try and get something soon.
  3. I agree with pretty much everything in this post Ross. I've got myself a Sound City L50. When it works I hope it'll be just like your AD30. Stick the Blackstar Dual and Holy Grail in front of it and I have a 3 channel amp with reverb and no sacrifice of tone.
  4. Yep both the latest EPs are up on spotify. I'm sure the albums used to be too, but seem to have disappeared. The EPs are good though. And there is the My Little Haunting single which is "the most upbeat thing ever not to make me vomit" according to a friend of mine. Glad to be getting in for free.
  5. I liked Stig, rock solid rhythm section and the first time I enjoyed a brass instrument in this sorta set up. Couldn't hear any/much guitar or vocal, and the bass was ridiculously loud, but it still worked. Baberos were unreal though. If you described it (two really good drummers playing off each other, boys in spandex, one synth and live visuals) it sounds really really pretentious, but all of it is essential. So so tight and didn't lack anything, despite only one instrument that played y'know, notes. Live visuals were awesome too. Creepy as and in sync with the music. This bit was a highlight. The Min possibly weren't as on it as they were with Fighterplanes (partially due to the overall sound i think), but still great fun to watch. Really looking forward to the recordings. Missed most of Stu'd set which was rubbish, but what I did hear creeped me out. That must mean it's good.
  6. Definitely an improvement on the earlier stuff. Digging it a lot man. That little guitar line on it's own has stuck in my head from the live stuff. Like the recording a lot. Was this recorded with Robin or yourself?
  7. Min Diesel are great. There is not a bad tune in that whole set. All the songs, even in the kind of slower, more minor key parts still have a massive 'good timesy' feel, which is awesome. Zipp's vocals were spot on all night and have got a charming Scottish twang that is totally natural and not some lame imatation of Biffy/The Xcerts/Danana/Frightened Rabbit etc. There was a couple of haphazard bits and quite a large vid where I thought the snare drums should have been, but the tunes are solid enough to hold it all together. I'm not just sucking them off because they are my mates, they are genuinely decent. Just get the album done already!
  8. Yup, good and well run. They even waive the hire fee if they make enough money on the bar. The very best sort of approach.
  9. Always With Me, Always With You is a couple of minutes of crigeworthy brilliance.
  10. Huw

    Kaddish LP

    As long as it is in decent condition. It's a DEAL!
  11. Huw

    Kaddish LP

    Do you work in town? I'm always carrying about copies, so I could meet and we could exchange money for goods? This goes for anybody else too. Are you AS? If so, sorry for the posting delay. Glad you enjoy it though. Did the download code work? YOU'LL BE LOSS, I'LL BE LOVE.
  12. Huw

    Kaddish LP

    As not a lot of these are going to shift through individuals buying them I will be trading a lot of them off. Essentially I will have a bit of a distro going, which will be updated HERE with new stuff that has come in every so often. Go listen/buy please!
  13. We were asked to put on these two bands, but just don't have any time to do so at the moment. I said I'd try and find some folk that could help. This seems a good a place as any. All they are looking for is some (probably vegan) food, a place to kip (floorspace is fine) and some petrol money for their journey. Black Mass play dirty manky hardcore infused with black metal influences (which is great!), and guillotines to short, sharp thrashy hardcore punk (very, very lo-fi recordings on their myspace). Give Black Mass or Jake at Power Negi DIY/Recs a message if you're interested. They will appreciate it a lot! Black Mass (need shows) on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads guillotines on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads power negi records on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads Thanks.
  14. The Barents Sea solo guy's tele sounded marvellous through this head.
  15. Huw

    Kaddish LP

    You can't deny the tune. Just hit me up at the email man!
  16. Huw

    Kaddish LP

    Sorry. I was trying to be succinct and give a fiar description! FAIL. I would say less anger, more passion! Nothing to be scared of though... Go to the bandcamp and listen to one of the tunes if you get a chance and you'll maybe see what I mean! What Ross says is true, totally great record. I was gonna take a photo, but the one Jay took is much better: Kaddish s/t LP out now! (Page 1) - record swapping / band gear for sale - Collective Zine : the C board
  17. Huw

    Kaddish LP

    Ok so I've sorted out Paypal now. If you'd like to order one of these lovely records, email autumnjams[at]hotmail[dot]co[dot]uk (make the subject KADDISH LP all caps) and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. Postage costs are as follows according to the Royal Mail website: First Class stamps 2.24 Recorded (Signed For) First Class stamps 2.98 Second Class stamps 1.95 Recorded (Signed For) Second Class stamps 2.69 Probably go with 2nd class to keep costs down. An extra 4% charge for paypal unfortunately. They will be available at all Autumn Jams and Carson Wells gigs too. Open to swaps and trades providing I like the stuff, as i'm looking to get a wee distro going. GO!
  18. I've just received 111 copies of the brand new Kaddish self-titled LP. Kaddish are a great Dundonian band have been around for almost a decade and definitely have a more angular/unique take on emo/screamo/hardcore than several other bands of this ilk. Moments of utter intensity intersect other moments of jangly guitar lines and desperate vocals. 10 tracks clocking in at just under 40 minutes. Will cost 6.50 with wholesale prices for distros etc. Lovely 4 x A4 insert with lyrics, song ideas and other philisophical musings that make a pretty interesting read. There will be download codes packaged in with the LP too - so really no excuse not to buy if you're into it! Still to sort out how I'm actually going to take orders and such like, but that will all be done in the next day or so. In the meantime, head to Autumn Jams and have a listen to a couple of tunes from the album and check out the (cover) artwork. Thanks a bunch for reading.
  19. The whole JoFo albums is about good times and 6that YMG! song is pretty posi. Both Algernon Cadwallader and Joie de Vivre play cool summery emo. Pleasant.
  20. I like it! But you knew that already.
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