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Everything posted by kirsten

  1. My friend got me a remote control helicopter. Win! I've reverted back to childhood and am proclaiming this to be best christmas ever based solely on this gift.
  2. Possibly my second favourite episode. First being the one with the Caves and Richard Wilson. Infallible.
  3. Yeah, I wasn't blown away by the songs. I was impressed at Murray going opera though!
  4. First episode of the new series online streaming: zSHARE - Season 2 Online Premiere - Flight of the Conchords _US Only_ from Flight of the Conchords.flv Greg Proops! The Femident advert killed me.
  5. Oh dear GOD, I hate that too. Anyone who can list everything they had to drink in one night is not an interesting person. Right, I know I've forgotten lots, but off the top of my head. I appear to be an old man..: -You're/Your mix-ups annoy me more than they're/there/their, but both are horrible... -Anyone who describes themselves as "mad". Unless they're actually certifiably insane. -The phrase "bug-bear". Irritating. Why would you try and make something you hate sound like a sort of fluffy monster? It is truly my bug-bear. -Sleazy boys in clubs. John, I'm only dancing! -Those fleeces with dogs/cats/wolves/dolphins/horses on them that you get in markets that old women wear. -My boss standing behind me at work. Pressure pressure pressure. -I've not noticed it a lot recently (it could be because I don't use myspace much these days) but I hated it whenever you'd see someone on there who had set their display name to a hideous alliterative nickname. Something no-one has ever called them before too. I'm Kirsten. Nothing beginning with 'K' is really that good, so the worst thing would be KIRSTENKAOS! (followed by a tm or copyright symbol... fuck off.) -People who believe those chain emails and send them on. Especially if they say "HOTMAIL IS CLOSING DOWN!!! PASS THIS ON TO 50 PEOPLE AND YOUR ACCOUNT WILL BE SAVED!" -People who say "ec-cetera", it's "et cetera"! -People who say "PIN number". Personal Identification Number number? (I'm such a pedantic cunt sometimes. I await making a typo on here and being pulled up for it really quickly just because of all of the above ) -Tom Cruise. -"I'm not being racist, but..." yes you fucking are. -Girls who go out in groups and insist on taking the obligatory toilet mirror photo. I can't get into the sinks... and seeing a toilet in the background doesn't make for a classy image. -"Bare jokes". Actually, this one doesn't offend me quite so much these days, but it used to. -"Comedians" and "comedy writers" getting easy laughs by making an obvious observation on something vaguely topical/using a well known figure's name as a worn-out similie, ie: "I feel abused like Amy Winehouse's liver." Also, people who try to be political and funny, but end up just recycling old lines about George Bush or someone that weren't funny in the first place. -People who are overly patriotic for no reason. -Jim Davidson. -People who go out of their way to try and be "quirky". I noticed this a lot after they first aired Skins and everyone I know seemed to turn into that Cassie girl. -Ugg boots. Ugg boots. Fucking Ugg boots. ...I don't have many friends.
  6. Gaaah, not watched this week's yet. I fucking love iPlayer...
  7. Went to see What Just Happened? yesterday. Was pretty good, but I couldn't figure out if it was meant to be a comedy or what.
  8. Argh! So good last night! Was waiting with antici...pation as I knew Linehan'd be on. He and Russell T Davies were excellent. Inspiring, even. Must get arse in gear and continue procrastination until I need to write
  9. I like that in his Guardian article yesterday he said that he's freaked out by Carly Zucker 'cos her name sounds like a baby trying to say his name. Made me laugh out loud.
  10. kirsten

    Your current read?

    Went to see Mark Gatiss do a Q&A/signing last night. I realised I was mainly there because I like the League of Gentlemen and Nighty Night and such, so I thought I'd better get into his books. Bought the newest one last night and have bought the first two today, so they're all getting read.
  11. Who'd have thunk the man had such a beautiful singing voice? Think it's on iPlayer now.
  12. Did anyone watch? Charlton Brooker, I love you more and more each day!
  13. kirsten

    Your current read?

    You read it fast. Nice! Oh, and I didn't wanna make a new thread, but is anyone gonna go see Mark Gatiss at the Union Bridge Waterstone's?
  14. kirsten

    Your current read?

    Fantastic book. Still sad that Mr. Vonnegut's not around any more... so it goes.
  15. kirsten

    Your current read?

    True. Last time I read it, I hadn't read Moab Is My Washpot, so it was interesting in that way this time round. I'm re-reading The Buddha of Suburbia by Hanif Kureishi. I don't know why I'm re-reading books and not reading new ones... I'm gonna buy Submarine by Joe Dunthorne soon though.
  16. I was wondering this as well, it was fine when I left work at 8.30, but two hours later, everything was diverted.
  17. I laughed. What's going on with his mouth?
  18. Just back from seeing it. I found Daniel Craig very attractive and now I feel dirty for that very reason.
  19. I've got a soft spot for Sarah Silverman (alliterationwow) but I've still not figured out why. She's not hilarious, but I do like her... I get really embarrassed by most female comedians these days. It's a horrible thing to admit, but it is hard to find a good one. Although, as they've already been mentioned, Kristen Schaal is a genius. And Josie Long. And Sarah Millican. But Kristen Schaal mainly. I absolutely adore her.
  20. kirsten

    Dead Set

    The dvd's pretty good for extras and stuff. Short interview with the Brooker, which is always good and at one point results in him saying "Why do I say these things? I don't even mean it..."
  21. This is insane. I'm pretty sure at least 200 oddities are sitting watching BBC1 wide-eyed with a notebook and pen in front of them daily now.
  22. This is ridiculous. So, people are just going to complain about anything these days while Jim Davidson lives on? Next week in comedy: No swearing, no ad-libbing, no complaining.
  23. (Hello you.) I'll admit I do have a soft spot for the Brand, but when I heard he was gonna be on Have I Got News For You on the same episode as Charlie Brooker, I knew I'd probably find him irritating. I think he just got intimidated by the intellect and tried too hard to be funnier than them seeing as he couldn't come across as smarter. But he failed. Beaten by Paul Merton's excellent bewildered looks to camera.
  24. Just heard Ross has been suspended for 12 weeks, unpaid. Missing out on the whole Christmas ratings thing, but this can't be doing publicity for his book any harm...
  25. Oddly enough, the thing that this whole ordeal has made me want to do most is watch Fawlty Towers... I've not done so in years.
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