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Everything posted by kirsten

  1. Keep meaning to get this while it's got 25 off, but I'm "saving". (I bet I've ordered it by the end of the week...) Father Ted - The Definitive Collection - Dermot Morgan - Frank Kelly - DVD - zavvi UK Also, series 1-5 of Peep Show going for 20 in Zavvi. I was tempted, then I realised I already had them all.
  2. kirsten

    Dead Set

    I've just unwittingly proposed to dear Charlton Brooker via the interwebs due to the fact that two moments in the series so far have nearly made me vomit, which so many things fail to do to me these days!
  3. Bringing back this thread to share this with you. It's possibly the greatest thing I've seen in a while, but I only saw it through Graham Linehan's blog, so I'm probably jumping on the bandwagon really late...
  4. I am a fan of visuals. More please, lady miss lady! Brand's show has been going slowly downhill for a while. In my opinion, mainly since he started concentrating on trying to break America. I think he's been wanting to quit it for a while, so this may have been the perfect excuse. I still feel bad for Matt though. He buggers off for a few weeks only to return home to find he's got no job.
  5. Me and my friend Jonny met him last time he was here (2005 I think... thank god he's back in March '09, he'd been gone far too long!) and he was absolutely lovely. He spoke to us for about 20 minutes about nothing in particular, but it was good to see that he's exactly the same as he is onstage.
  6. kirsten

    Dead Set

    Funnily enough, I think quite a few people have shared this view... I've not got round to watching episode three yet, but will do so now. Is it bad that I think Patrick, the producer is excellent?
  7. I vote Matt be given his own show in the 9-11pm slot. His metal show he wanted
  8. Rumour has it ol' Russ has just resigned from Radio 2. I'll miss Matt Morgan more...
  9. I'd love to hear Chris Morris on the BBC at 9am on a Saturday morning. Dear Jim, can you fix it for me?
  10. I'm so confused about this whole thing. I'm losing track of what part people are offended by. Was it that a pre-recorded show that included Jonathan Ross saying "fucked" was allowed to be aired? Or because two grown men acted like twats? They do think they can get away with everything, but I don't understand how this is getting more attention than the time ol' Russ did a prank call on a police hotline.... I'm also bewildered by the fact that it seemed to take over a week for the press to complain about it and that on Sunday, there were apparently only two complaints made and now they've gone into the thousands... Ah fuck it, why am I talking about this like it's a real issue?
  11. kirsten

    Dead Set

    I'm presuming it'll be on 4oD, but I've been watching it here: Dead Set | Watch Online | Free Catch-Up on Channel 4 Shows Alkaline, I think all five episodes are going to be shown as one at the end of the week or some time soon.
  12. kirsten

    Your current read?

    Re-reading Stephen Fry's 'The Liar'. My old copy disappeared. Gawd bless HMV and their 3 Fry books.
  13. kirsten

    Dead Set

    Are you actually gonna criticise it after not having watched it? It wasn't as good as I was hoping, but still pretty well done. Especially written by someone who has never written that type of thing before. I'm gonna reserve total judgement until the last episode is finished though.
  14. Seconded. I've not been the past two weeks, thank god it's Wednesday tomorrow/today.
  15. kirsten

    Dead Set

    I love Charlie Brooker too hard. The gore didn't get any reaction from me until the fire extinguisher bit. Gah!
  16. He would. Wine and lovely misanthropy.
  17. Did he ask you where he'd find Girls Aloud's greatest hits? My sister served him in HMV in Edinburgh once and he was buying a Girls Aloud cd, but claimed it was for his daughter who was with him. Lies.
  18. "Fuck off, miss! It's not finished! ...sorry for saying fuck off, miss."
  19. Win. I was hoping he'd come into Waterstone's and I could go "Christ! More hobbledehoys!" but alas he did not.
  20. I keep forgetting to buy the dvd whenever I'm in town. Will try remember today!
  21. Ah well, I'll keep trying. Maybe I'll get a returned ticket.
  22. I bought myself a ticket to this, planning on going alone, then I found out one of my friends had a spare ticket (I was shocked that she was going as the whole reason I was going by myself was because I presumed no-one'd come with) so figured someone might benefit from it. I'm not expecting a lot of demand for it though, seeing as it's one solitary seat, D24 I think. Unless you're the occupants of D20-23 and have been desperately trying to track D24 for your friend who said they didn't want a ticket but has since changed their mind (tsk, typical, eh?)... Face value, of course, 19.25. Actually, sod it, I'm so bloody generous, we'll just call it 19. Drop me a PM if you're interested. OH! Also, anyone got a spare Dylan Moran ticket? I thought I was gonna be in London when he was in Aberdeen, but realised I get home the day before he plays. By the time I noticed this, it'd sold out. Did anyone see him at the Arts Centre a few years back? That was a strange gig...
  23. kirsten

    Your current read?

    Tony Visconti's autobiography.
  24. Itsy Bitsy Teeny-Weeny Yellow Polka-Dot Bikini ...no wonder I hate everything, I think that's excuse enough, no?
  25. kirsten

    Your current read?

    I did enjoy Dawn of the Dumb more than Screenburn, probably due to it not being only television-related articles, but also just his thoughts which is good. Just finished Danny Wallace's 'Yes Man' and am about to start Will Self's 'The Book of Dave'.
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