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Everything posted by kirsten

  1. Tempting... tempting... but I've noticed that it says you have to be accepted by a moderator. Imagine the hideousness of rejection from them?
  2. Thank you, looking at these make me feel so much better about myself
  3. kirsten

    Euro 2008

    Lovely lovely Portugal, please.
  4. kirsten

    Your current read?

    I think you'll love it. Brooker's a genius.
  5. kirsten

    Your current read?

    I posted a similar review, possibly in this thread, but I think mine was more negative...
  6. Concurrence. And Latvia as they got our whole party singing "Hi-hi-ho and hi-hi-hey!" Been obsessed with that Tellier song for about 2 months now. Still no idea what the hell Chivers are though... my sister was gonna write on her Party Invitations, "PS: Please bring an object that symbolises your interpretation of the word Chivers" but decided against it. I drew Bosnia at aforementioned party. Before they played, I was cursing the fact I didn't get France, but B&H did me proud! UK was pish, but not even people here ever want the UK to win, so it's aaaall good.
  7. Aww, not seen Right Hand Left in ages, that'll be nice.
  8. Oh shush True as that may be, there is mutual clashing! Sentiment remains. RememberRemember: Good.
  9. I'm annoyed this is tomorrow, clashes with Futureheads. Someone buy Gronald, Remember Remember a drink. He's lovely.
  10. Haha, hola! Yeah, it's me, but my father's would definitely post the same (with added profanities)
  11. I've never posted in here before, but felt this was necessary... AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *inhale* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAetc. *edit* great minds Jan Deal
  12. My money's on Sebastien Tellier for France to win it. His video's genius.
  13. I think I used to like Carl best, but Anthony plays the mofo-ing cornet/trumpet/tooter! Winner! I really liked Dusty Rhodes and the River Band, great energy. Couldn't find a parking space before the gig, so only caught Kieron Leonard's last song, but from what I heard, he was sweet too.
  14. kirsten

    Your current read?

    Beckett plays particularly Waiting For Godot and Endgame over and over and over.
  15. I was actually gutted that I couldn't stay behind for a chat, but it's probably for the best. I might have been facing sexual assault claims from Anthony
  16. Very much looking forward to this. Have only heard Hippy's Son from the new album, but I'm loving it. Judging by what I've heard was last night's setlist, it should be excellent!
  17. Apparently Dusty Rhodes and the River Band are gonna be supporting. MySpace.com - Dusty Rhodes and the River Band - Anaheim, California - Progressive / Folk / Classic Rock - www.myspace.com/dustyrhodes Don't know if they're the only support band though...
  18. kirsten

    Your current read?

    I read it and Screenburn a while ago. So bloody funny, what a guy.
  19. kirsten

    Your current read?

    True, he is everywhere and can be a bit of a knob, but I like the fact that he's quite content just sitting around making cheese.
  20. kirsten

    Your current read?

    Finished 'Bit of a Blur' by Alex James the other day. Was good, but poorly written with lots of emphasis on being famous seen in the excessive use of the phrase, "When you're famous, [insert name of pub/club/country/city here] is where you have to go if you want to be seen." Still think he's ace though. Happy being posh. Am now about halfway through On The Road by Jack Kerouac. Been meaning to read it for ages to see if it is "literary genius" as many have said or "overrated" as my dad says.
  21. Damn, this was going to be my recommendation. One of the best factual books I've ever read. It fuelled my Johnny Thunders obsession. I've only got the one on Meat Is Murder by Joe Pernice, but I've seen a number of others that look interesting. Overall, hefty good list you've got yourself there! I wouldn't recommend Nikki Sixx's Heroin Diaries. I have no interest in Motley Crue but the malevolent "Ooh, hardback book for a fiver!" part of my brain took over and I ended up buying it, getting 3/4 of the way through before giving up out of sheer boredom. Summary: Every night Sixx writes in his diary about how he's just shot up, imagined midgets and Mexicans and police with shotguns outside his house ready to come in, he flushes his drugs, then hides in his closet with his shotgun. He gets clean, the end.
  22. I like the size of it as well. I've never had a bad time at the Tunnels, lovely place.
  23. Ticketmaster says Ronson'll be supporting, but it only says that in the description of the Aberdeen gig, so I'm not sure if they're not supposed to have announced that yet or they've cocked up
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