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Everything posted by kirsten

  1. Thought it'd be worth bringing this thread back. Tonight, 10pm, channel 4.
  2. kirsten


    'Sitcom for Louis CK': Sitcom for Louis CK : News 2009 : Chortle : The UK Comedy Guide
  3. kirsten


    Aww, I really like Danielle Ward purely 'cos she doesn't go for the whole "Oh, look at me, I'm a woman, I hate men and periods" thing that so many seem to do. Was at the Fringe from Thursday-Saturday. On Thursday we saw Ro Campbell's 'Free and Freakin' Awesome' at Bannermans 'cos we were there for drinks anyway. It was free... it wasn't freakin' awesome though. Ro himself sort of relied on swearing too much and because of it was a bit dull. Gary Little was also on, who I didn't enjoy. The guy after him I really did like, but I couldn't make out his name 'cos the sound wasn't brilliant. He was from London, did a poem called 'Synonym' and it was just made of phrases and words that rhyme with the aforementioned one. He also spoke about amazon reviews and made me laugh. Wish I knew his name... After him was Mick Ferry who I recognised off that Michael McIntyre vehicle. He was alright, but didn't really seem to have much material prepared, weirdly... Then we saw Trevor Lock, who I was really excited for, strangely. I honestly could not tell you anything he spoke about except the only appropriate time to ejaculate into a goldfish bowl, but I do remember laughing a lot. He's very fast and surreal and clever... and I may fancy him more than a little bit. (Also went to see his play, The One And The Many on Saturday afternoon. It was good. Philosophical and romantic, as it says on the flyers.) Then Rhys Darby who was just incredibly charming and does an excellent impression of a Transformer. He also did a few characters who were very very funny. Odd to see that chortle haven't given him a very good review, but maybe they caught him on a bad night... And finally, Stewart Lee. I don't have much to say, I just urge you to go and see him with every fibre of my being. He was everything I expected and more, which is definitely a good thing. Can't wait to see him again at the Music Hall, although I think a smaller venue suits him better... Next week, David O'Doherty (again. Loooove!) and possibly Paul Foot. This post is much longer than I meant it to be.
  4. Was watching Ferris Bueller only this morning. Sad times indeed...
  5. I think someone already mentioned it but Henry's by Vue is pretty nice. Was in there for lunch again today. Delicious and quick service! Also relatively cheap. Walked past Blackfriars today and saw they were looking for a new chef... From reading this thread, it's probably a good move...
  6. Slains has improved. New-ish menu, relatively cheap, usually pretty fast service.
  7. kirsten

    Your current read?

    Very good. Concise. Nice to dip in and out of.
  8. kirsten


    Went to some Edinburgh warm-ups while I was in London on Monday. Ended up seeing Danielle Ward, who I really enjoyed much to my surprise. A woman! Not talking about how shit men are! Or periods! Or generally being-a-woman type stuff! Imagine! Thought throughout that she looked familiar and only realised when I got home that she was on Brooker's Newswipe. She was the one who came up with rebranding 'recession' as 'moneygeddon'. Also saw Richard Herring who was on top form. Bumped into him at the bar later on and as I'd spent the day reading one of his books, it was in my bag so I got him to sign it. Really lovely man. Very small though.
  9. kirsten

    Your current read?

    Just finished the first volume of Richard Herring's blogs, 'Warming Up'. Really good. Wanted to read them all (but there's nearly 7yrs worth online...) so figured I'd not lose the will to live if it I was reading it off paper and not a screen.
  10. He was on a roll on Friday's. There was a woman who believed in angels and would talk to them a lot. On her night to cook, the doorbell rang and she did an excited "Ooh!" and started asking the angels to give her good luck and make sure everything was "gorgeous". Dave Lamb spoke over her and said, "Are the angels gonna answer the door, love?"
  11. Wanted to see this for a while as I missed it first time round... Can't seem to find it on 4OD though...
  12. Think it's open all week. But yeah, definitely open on Wednesdays.
  13. Wednesday night's the night I tend to go out. Our old routine was Slain's, Old School House, Exodus. Now we don't really have a routine. Korova's not bad though. Cheap on a Wednesday too and I think it's open 'til 2am every night. May be wrong though.
  14. kirsten

    Eddie Izzard

    I'm so excited about this. When the tour was first announced, I nearly bought Edinburgh tickets but couldn't afford it at the time, so told myself I'd hold out for an Aberdeen date. Never actually expected one! and I'd just been getting all depressed that I wasn't gonna get to see him until I checked my email on Friday at about 11am and found that this date had been announced and presale tickets had been onsale from 10am. Still can't afford it, but have taken the initiative and used someone else's credit card! Woop! So, I'm going alone, gonna be in Row I, so I am led to believe... (...Parklife!) I never really enjoyed Sexie and Circle, but I did only watch them when they first came out, so maybe I'm due to re-watch. I remember laughing lots at Jesus and the dinosaurs, but I can't remember which of those two dvds that's on. They might not have been as good as the older stuff, but it's Eddie Izzard. I doubt there'll be much of a chance to see him again. And he's the one of the few people I'd not be ashamed to try and meet after the gig... But yeah, all the dvds prior to those are amazing. Still make me cry with laughter.
  15. kirsten

    Your current read?

    Bought John Ajvide Lindqvist's 'Let The Right One In'. Really wanted to see the film but missed it in the cinema so while I wait for it to come out on dvd, thought I'd read the book. I'm enjoying it a lot, but have been told that "the film is like Freaky Friday after reading the book".
  16. kirsten


    Best episode yet. Did a happy-spasm when Gatiss arrived.
  17. kirsten


    It tends to be that in American comedies, they have a bigger writing team behind the scenes and so have more ideas bouncing around to last for more episodes, whereas here, it's usually either one person alone or maybe four/five at the most. I am loving this though. So disturbing. All you can expect from Pemberton and Shearsmith
  18. kirsten


    Bought tickets to see Rhys Darby, Stewart Lee and David O'Doherty in Edinburgh this festival-time. Also want to see Paul Foot, Trevor Lock, Richard Herring and Kristen Schaal. So stupidly excited about Stewart Lee. I've been re-watching This Morning With Richard Not Judy on a loop to tide me over 'til August. [/nerd] Really wanna see him here in November too, but can't afford tickets at the moment. O woe. OH! And I think I've said this somewhere already (possibly here, a few pages back) but I used to be fairly... violently opposed to Michael McIntyre 'cos he seemed really thick and often offensive on Mock the Week and stuff, but I ended up watching his dvd around christmas time and I did laugh a lot. I felt so dirty, but I've upgraded him from "GAH! NO!" to "Tolerable".
  19. kirsten

    Your current read?

    I keep meaning to get this and also Morrissey In Conversation.
  20. Ha, no worries! It's the thought that counts and all that!
  21. Thanking you! I liked the thought of him hunched over a keyboard coming up with usernames that sound pretty inconspicuous. And failing. omgitsbarney
  22. I read that thread, mainly so I could feel superior to the original poster and do a great deal of tutting. My favourite part was when the guy who was touting signed up with three other accounts and pretended to make offers on his own tickets.
  23. kirsten

    Comic Book Thread

    Oh my. Completely forgot Plan 9 existed until I saw this. Haven't been there for about 7-8years... I've really no idea how I managed to forget about it... And I've been walking around like a schmuck thinking Forbidden Planet was the only real comic shop... Incidentally, our Forbidden Planet's been disappointing for Kick Ass. I got the first issue of it when it came out there, but have had to get the rest whenever I've been down in Glasgow... Gonna check out Plan 9 with my friend John tomorrow. Exciting!
  24. I'm not entirely sure why the socket thing annoys me either, but I think it might also be a health and safety thing. Or for some reason I think the house is more likely to blow up if a socket's left on... I was watching that earlier, possibly subconsciously inspired by the talk of STEPHEN! in this thread.
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