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Everything posted by scottyboy

  1. It was a wind up then? It's not that implausable. Last time I saw Paul Gilbert some local indie band got the support slot. When I saw Steve Vai he brought a (very good) guitarist over from the U.S. to do support, but the guy didn't even have a band. He just sang and played (electric) guitar; one of the roadies did come out and play drums for a couple of tracks o_O
  2. He's talking about Dundee United.
  3. where'd you read that? awesome if it's true. i know satriani and gilbert have a gig in glasgow next month.
  4. Don't be so hasty now. Generally I like to enjoy the moment, safe in the knowledge that someone is filming it for my later youtube viewing pleasure.
  5. i used to have a behringer POD and 50w modelling amp. both of them broke within a matter of months 8-)
  6. It's ok, not one of your better efforts (of those I've heard) though. Monrovia is cool.
  7. I think this is poorer than the other stuff I've heard.
  8. I might go to the alasdair gray one.
  9. hahaha it sounds like u2. in a good way
  10. I think that's already possible, you don't need to be able to move notes from within chords to do it.
  11. 'Forum posts show similar sentiments. One person wrote on a government youth-website forum, "detesto a los emosexuales," which translates as "I hate emosexuals." Emosexual is an obvious play on homosexual, especially in Spanish, where the H is silent. Many of the attacks have been planned, or at least fomented, on violently anti-emo websites like Movimiento Anti Emosexual, which features videos of physical violence sprinkled liberally with anti-gay sentiment. Last.fm's Anti Emo Death Squad group has almost 4,000 members.'
  12. Yeah, the homophobic nature of the attacks are covered in the above article...
  13. some of the riffs are cool, but most of the melody is pretty annoying
  14. Fly like a devil is cool (in addition to wlcome to japan). the rest of the stuff is spread a bit thin for my liking.
  15. the english guy presenting it is a twat; I can see why they took the piss out of the programme on still game.
  16. on the contrary, being told what key the song is in (and this is absolutely basic stuff) makes things a lot easier for me. you just don't know what you're talking about.
  17. hahaha, that doesn't make any sense. When I am jamming with a band and they expect me to play along to a song of their's I've never heard before, I expect them to be able to tell be what key it is in.
  18. What did the total guitar article involve? I don't buy it anymore, but getting in it must be awesome
  19. It's not off-topic, someone brought up the recent profile of the 'music scene' in Dundee (obviously refering to the view and their ilk), as an example of what the x-certs getting on MTV could do for aberdeen's bands/musicians. And no they can't, seriously; you wouldn't have to be anywhere near as technically able as I (not that I'm necessarily even good... and I make no claim to being 'talented') to be a lot better than the View. It's inexplicable why people buy the view's records, as I hinted at earlier there's probably a dozen bands in Dundee alone more deserving of success.
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