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Everything posted by scottyboy

  1. Tinnitus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  2. played guitar. watched 20 days of night and peep show on dvd.
  3. Near aberdeen uni. Or I can meet you in town.
  4. hardcovers: The Broons and Oor Wullie at War The Broons and Oor Wullie: The Roaring Forties The Broons and Oor Wullie: 1950-1959 The Broons and Oor Wullie: 1960-1969 The Broons and Oor Wullie: A Rare Treat + 6 annuals (4 Oor Wullie; 2 Broons). + Beano and Dandy: Sixty Years 10 for all of them, anyone?
  5. Not wearing ear plugs at any rock gig is pretty stupid really.
  6. or just Mike McCurry (referee) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 8-)
  7. only time I've been broken into (sort of, they climbed through an open window) it was two police o_O the cheeky fuckers told us to keep the window shut because 'anyone could climb in' as well as giving us verbal abuse once they found out they had the wrong address and none of us was the guy they were looking for (told us to 'wake up', it was 3am ffs...).
  8. I think RPS-10 is broken, but it could be the power supply (basically, I have to hold the supply in place to get the unit to stay switched on). I'm going to try testing it out with another supply (or the supply with another pedal). If it is broken I might just give it away, it can probably be fixed by someone in the know 8-)
  9. apparently her backing guitarist taught her to 'play' (he was interviewed in total guitarist or total guitar a while a back)
  10. might have to hold the fort on the RPS-10, as it doesn't seem to be working probably although it could be the adapter. Should have checked it before I posted, fucks sake
  11. some techy-sounding info, from a quick google search: Tonefrenzy
  12. Yeah I use it for guitar. It sounds pretty metallic to my ears, but I've not really used any other delays so I'm not sure about how good or bad it is, purely as a delay. Basically I got it because it has delay and pitch shift in one, and thus can be used to make helicopter noises (like in that audioslave song) There's probably other wierd noises can be made. One drawback is that there's no footswitch, although there's an input for an 'effect remote' which I guess might be a footswitch. I'm pretty clueless about pedals. Some quick photos I took (excuse the crappy quality). It's from the 80s and looks like an old sci-fi prop:
  13. Morley Classic Wah - 30 Boss RPS-10 (old digital delay and pitch shifter) - 20 Boss PSA-240 adapter (power supply, for delays especially) - 10 (sell the RPS-10 and this for 25) Danelectro FAB Overdrive - 5
  14. to be honest, I think that guy's bebo profile was on the young team page linked earlier, shamed as I am to admit to investigating further.
  15. It's been out for about 5minutes now, anyone playing yet? 8-)
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