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Everything posted by scottyboy

  1. doesn't that make it metacritics best game ever? 8-)
  2. In other words, in pretty studenty places full of the type of people stripey is complaining about... o_O
  3. Maybe he just doesn't like being told what he can and can't do to his own body.
  4. did the parade get cancelled completely or just rerouted?
  5. the video on the bbc website of the 'aftermath' does show a car with a big dent in it.
  6. just up BBC NEWS | Scotland | North East/N Isles | 'Ten hurt' in motorcycle accident
  7. erm, I think Union Street is closed off because of the torcher parade. beyond that I dunno
  8. Fender Stratocaster, American Deluxe, Special Edition for sale. In terms of specs, this is mostly the same as the current deluxe models (.:: Fender.com ::.), apart from the pickups. Being from 2001, it has vintage ones (these I believe: .:: Fender.com ::.) rather than standard ones (these I believe: .:: Fender.com ::.) Special edition-wise, its firemist silver, has chrome scratch plate, pots etc and lipstick covers on the pickups. Oh and a special edition sticker on the headstock. Very good condition, couple of marks and dings on the neck/headstock. No whammy bar currently attached to it, but I believe you can get these easily/cheaply if you actually want one. Comes with fender hard case, Ill throw in some straplocks too. Looking for 550.
  9. Marshall JCM800, 50W combo for sale. Its from 1981 (it has N at the end of the serial number), clean channel only, two inputs, pre-amp and master volume (a mod, I think). Excellent condition, one little mark (looks a bit like tip-ex), no real wear. Had it a year, only minimal bedroom use. It was revalved just before I got it, but I lost the invoice so youll just have to trust/disbelieve me with regards to that. Comes with amp cover, pick-up only (king street). Looking for 450.
  10. oddly enough i didn't think much of easy riders, raging bulls either
  11. gears of war multiplayer is/was awesome! despite the annoying functionality issues (which all the other live games I played had, though generally to a lesser extent).
  12. I don't really remember specifically, it was a few years ago I read it (I was big dylan fan at that time, though).
  13. film: The kid stays in the picture (robert evans). I didn't think much of dylan's chronicles tbh
  14. I know a guy who's doing his dissertation on it, he must like it if he can be arsed to write thousands of words about it 8-)
  15. all my behringer stuff broke; that was my problem with them rather than the sound. That said I had multi-fx rather than stompboxes. I think I whine about this rather frequently on here o_O
  16. I'm quite tempted but I'm not sure I could stomach 30 and a horde of chavs again.
  17. yeah, yeah, i know. my point was just that if you're going to complain that the production is poor on a technical level, might as well have it pointed out that the music is relatively complex in terms of melody.
  18. I haven't heard much 8-bit music outside of game soundtracks but what I have heard I've liked. I love a lot of old, actual game music as well. From a production standpoint it may seem simplistic or gimmicky ( I know nothing about about production), but from a compositional standpoint, there's way more notes than your average rock/pop/indie track. The Hexstatic stuff is really cool, I'm sure stripey linked that last time there was a thread about 8-bit.
  19. In Aberdeen, or in general? If the former, that would be my biggest gripe as well.
  20. looking at the article history, I assume it was this: 'He currently sells blow up sheep at the beach' edit: before that was: 'He is now not fit to wear the shirt and only there to suck off the Coaching staff' and before that 'He is Now not fit to wear the shirt and is only there because he gives the coaching staff good head'
  21. scottyboy


    not really.
  22. ah but it's a 'music related questionare', semantics eh. It's not much of a surprise to me that a 'commercial music degree' is about more than the music itself.
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