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Everything posted by stuartmaxwell

  1. 1. best band - project ven hell 2. worst band - tough one. element 106 3. best newcomer - the welles / we shall be blessed 4. best live act - eric euan (purely on the basis of that macrocosmica performance) 5. best rock act - deadloss superstar 6. best punk act - onion terror make me laugh 7. most metal of metal - my minds weapon 8. best extreme act - filthpact 9. best indie act - dedalus 10. best of the rest - copy ha_ho 11. best fudge performance - laeto 12. best international act - macrocosmica (rip you hard rocking fucks) 13. best venue - cafe drummond (best sound in town by a long way, eric has done really well since taking over this place) 14. best clubnight - bond*age (i really enjoy workign the lights and absuing the beer/punters when i work there, the music is wide selection and great) 15. most missed - dr drakes - th emost important four walls, floor and ceiling aberdeen has had in my 6/7 years here most shaggable - crazy bobbie from the butchers/teabags filthpact most punchable - no question - cloud xxx
  2. http://www.age.fm/~sound/mono/f_sound.html recorded by albini. 10th april release cannae wait for this and i cannae wait for the tour after you can bet your life on it that we will try to get them up here
  3. brilliant band. amazing live playing 7th march with made out of babies in glasgow. ill be driving down
  4. 7th march in glasgow w/ made out of babies its a tuesday ill be driving down to this
  5. 1. Stapleton 2. Julia Thirteen (long overdue) 3. Fickle Public 4. Jeniferever 5. Jacob's Stories 6. Shutter 7. Project Ven-Hell 8. Copy Haho 9. Amusement Parks on Fire 10. and......hmm...... canna think. So i'll say Laeto, as they have the potential to be absolutely huge, if they work hard this year and tour lots. couldnt really have put it better myself.
  6. i reckon this is pretty good, some of the vocals (lead and backing at the same time) are a bit iffy though i think you are writing better songs these days. proggier, im just nae a fan of the melody bits in it.
  7. or the korg stage effort, its awesome
  8. are kaddish playing? i heard a great rumour that they were
  9. think he meant 5/6??? regardless, 5/6 is a bargain for somebody like jeniferever who actually give aberdeen a chance and are signed to drowned in sound /big scary monsters records. gutted i missed them, but ill prob nip to glasgow at the end of the month to see em. missed em on the last tour too
  10. aye kick him in and leave him for dead in the toilets. you could probably store his dead corpse in our practice room
  11. same night as paper cut out i would have offered my drumstick whipping/naked band member from UNCLE act that went down so well in the moorings on sunday evening
  12. swap box ahoy the cd is fuckin ace btw tom just need to find the tracklisting which is in my bag which is not here
  13. stormy in the nnorth, karma in the south by the wildhearts on bbc1 when man utd played west ham years ago
  14. the best moment of the night had to be ewan from UNCLE standing fully naked in front of the stage
  15. mountain men have gone on an "indefinate hiatus" www.mountainmenanonymous.com
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