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Everything posted by sludge

  1. what the fuck is that thing taking the player? shrek or some shit?
  2. sludge

    The Tunnels

    we ventured down there a few days back. the drink prices are a bit pricey but overall i had a pretty good night there. very lava feel to it. decent stage. as someone said,after a bit of decoration they should be on to a winner.
  3. she kind of looks like a guy but with tits and long hair. she used her special powers to put me under her spell and then pick pocketed me. if i see her again im going to piss all over her shoes.
  4. if anyone sees a girl walking about with an mp3 player cunt her in the face for me. thanks. fucking bitch.
  5. i much prefer five fanny farts. suits them down to the ground.
  6. i used to get awakened everymorning at some stupid time by my dog,licking my face and trying to take random bites at my balls.little bastard.partly why i moved out. dont you just hate your sister?
  7. i dunno.... i dont think before i type. a growing trend on here me thinks.
  8. aids = bad cute little puppies = good!
  9. not as amusing as you throwing your toys out the pram.dont jump on a white shetland pony to save the day for your band. instead use your indoor voice and tak a chill pill min. getting wound up over nothing....
  10. all this watered down nonsense. i though they were fucking deesc min!sounded a bit like a watered down 2-pac. 24/7 :@) [][][][][][][][][][][P][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
  11. my downfall? they sound shit....
  12. instead of a long term relationship in your young years why dont you try the "adopt a slag project". you really cant go wrong with a slag.
  13. single life all the way. if you fall in love with someone youll just have to live with the fact that your life will be diluted for then next few years. put up barriers!!!!!run away!!!dont listen to people like Dr Phil and Jenny jones. hopefully youll escape long term for a while.
  14. oh my fucking god. the foo fighters. ill finally get to see them and remeber them.... maybe. this is the pandas tits right here..
  15. can i pump your girlfriend maxi? im to scared to say it to your face....
  16. nice one. you know ill be there getting pished in my usual slothish style.
  17. ill be at neither as i have unlimited scene points already. but im thinking of selling a few to camie.
  18. sorry holly. work calls. otherwise i would of went down with you.
  19. fucking yas! i urge everyone to go. their ep is amazing. listened to it non stop since buying it.
  20. excuse me mr cat. but i do believe im one of your main idols and inspirations....
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