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Everything posted by sludge

  1. twas indeed a good evening.the wrestling was a bit shit but i was slightly pissed so whatever.... what was with the scrotum taking my signs?pfft.....
  2. was reading it in henry js whilst munching into some chicken. i also chuckled. "if i stare at this ticket hard enough it will dissapear into panda dust"
  3. i shall be in attendance. this will be my first gig ill be WILLING to go to in a long while. should be good.
  4. or what about a metal band called pan - tera..... ohh... fuck.
  5. been to tiger tiger once.enjoyed myself. only because me and blair or the quikness were trying to cockblock eachother all night.
  6. if i was a panda id live in a society that didnt judge me by the colour of my fur.
  7. sorry for putting the picture up of you delly. (not sorry at all)
  8. i saw the cynic which was nice.
  9. its not jj. the oaf is keiren. and isnt he lovely.
  10. no .....but ill take the blame for the steaming pile i left on your chest during the night.
  11. no.....unless you were gagging for a cockatoo.
  12. sludge

    Stu Milne

    his names as i remember were..... thunderstruck and rainbow bunny. there you go. if you want to more look up www.loganstartsshitthreads/barwrestlingones.com
  13. peggy sue and the dildo of dorset. a classic.
  14. yehh.... i cant really think of anything. i want to say ive shit or pished myself recently but i just havent.
  15. anyone else doing it? its on may the 22nd. you can send away for your forms by phoning the number that you see on the flags on union street. im raising money for parkinsons disease so if anyone would like to sponser me drop me a pm. cheers.
  16. this is my house you cock nosed arse badger. go play with traffic....
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