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Everything posted by sludge

  1. totally gutted. end of an era indeed. will be a sad one tomorrow......
  2. This really is shitty news. i have never been to a gig in drakes that i havent enjoyed and i really mean it. the staff are something else and i will really really miss everything about the place. the upmost of thanks and respect to the drakes crew for providing many o memories. no other music venue in the city has half the appeal to me than what drakes does. best wishes and all the best x
  3. south park family guy monkeydust rude dog and the dweebs wacky races
  4. saw it the other day. what a load of bollocks.was so boring and pish.
  5. i was at the gig alos. yourcodenameis:milo were the support and they were fairly good. listening to their cd just now. the used were good but not "amazing" "you guys are all my best friends" "give a friend a hug" FUCKING DIE! i really like the used - aye the music that is. cant get past their piss annoying attitudes.hence why i bought a few drinks instead of a t shirt.
  6. some fag turned up to my mates house and set peeps's hair alight. the bad thing is it was on fire for about 5 seconds before he noticed. i tried to stop it at the three second mark but was pissing myself with laughter so much i couldnt bring myself to speak.
  7. cheers for the feedback guys. i dont really give a shit about the highlights. was just something which pushed a button. ive been advised from my boss not to because i could land myself in shit if i go through with all that i want to do.i think i carefully worded letter would be appropriate at the moment i think. then see how i get on. im well aware who pays my wages and well aware of where i stand but it dosent mean i cant question things. democratic work place anall.......
  8. look........ill easily remove them. not a problem. its the principal of it. why? why is that rule there in the first place? do you not think its a bit dated? its not effecting your work in anyway,it has nothing to do with health and safety, and it seems to cause no problem but to the management. its something i feel strongly about and i appreciate all your advice but i think its something worth pushing for. if the managing director can only give me "its innapropriate" than surely its worth questioning. someone has to.
  9. it dosent matter about the colour. its the fact that the rule is bullshit and i think if i can get a good argument behind it i could get somewhere.
  10. i got red highlights through my hair yesterday and my employer has told me to take them out. the managing director says its not open for disscussion but im going to push on anyway. i need someone to help me format a report. also someone with a digital camera to spend a day with me in town. i want to take pictures of employees across town with coloured hair to show them how dated their policy is. if anyone would like to pitch any ideas in or give me advice it would be appreciated.
  11. fuck off yi. there isnt a bad south park episode.
  12. if you had to have a threesome with any celebs who would they be? mines would be Trinny and Suzanna. they would tear the clothes of your back,violate you and then buy you a whole new outfit for your troubles. nice lassies. also good ones would be...... trish stratus and stacy keibler pink and christina milian richard and judy and the chuckle brothers. just imagine pauls beard tickeling your scrotum.tits.
  13. i hate phones. i dont see the point of getting a really nice phone when you can spend your money on more enjoyable things - eg porn and stamps.
  14. if you look closely im also in the avator. im in my minds weapon. im allowed to have it as my avator.im the acordian player.
  15. do what i did. pick the classes that your mates are going to be in and that youve got a chance of sitting next to hot birds. believe it or not i left school with fuck all.
  16. something quite wrong with you hog. but ill say every girl bar sexy amanda. she can just go die.
  17. i love the darts. my personnel favourite is kevin painter. no appearence this year but how could you not love the colourfull shirts and beer belly? i wish i was a darts player.
  18. well im a cock muncher anyway so can i pass?
  19. big brother is ace. and yes john is a legend.
  20. great. tell me then you panda shit.
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