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Everything posted by psydoll

  1. Indeed. DAMN YOU WORK!!!! Sickie? >8)
  2. Wasn't this posted a little while ago? I remember it vaguely...
  3. Have you ever tried to post on here AND hold a conversation? I plainly can't do it and so I withdraw fom this thread..forever!
  4. After hearing why 67 are called as they are last night I wonder if anyone else would humour me with explanations?
  5. Is he required to wear facepaint on stage because he's too pretty compared to the rest of you?
  6. Can I put in a bid for that suave armchair? It needs a drunk old man with a large brandy in it. I'm not old but I have brandy.
  7. You'd think after being told about a million times I'd understand... Guess Ash better save plenty cash for enough goop for a whole main room fiasco
  8. So people are duped into buying said kits sadly Or delusions of grandeur?
  9. Yeah hopefully - last night was good I enjoyed it. Shambles did seem to be living up to his name but was still pretty good at playing. Definitely something I'd go to again.
  10. I thought that this got cancelled? Didn't Owen post something on here about it?
  11. Quite disappointed that link didn't work but got away with videos and wallet intact. Cheers for the vids and apologies to the worried foreign guy that I mistook for Couth and prolly thought I was some pervert.
  12. Both bands are pretty damn rocking - I think I slightly prefer Unearth though. Only slightly mind.
  13. Huzzah! Does Moshulu encourage blood-letting or is it wholly frowned upon to cover the back room in a thin film of guts and gore?
  14. And everyone knows that this whole thing's gonna be amazing Any idea where the mighty 'Loff will be playing?
  15. Apparently not so I saw no real point in bidding when I can buy it at the weekend for less than 15. Snazzy seal mind but you'd have to break that to get at the sauce.
  16. Huzzah! That is my only aim! To be understood See you on the 2nd hopefully
  17. I cannae make it due to working until 9. Rubbiss! Nevermind though - hope the gig rocks
  18. I just meant that it sounds like you're slightly holding back a wee bit in the recordings but with the right audience you'd blow people away methinks
  19. What were you up to last night at the Fishstock anyway Rob?
  20. Ah nevermind what the Americans say - the charts over there speak for themselves
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