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Everything posted by psydoll

  1. Thankfully more ordinary bands (no pun intended) to hopefully avoid clashes with the better cherries in the cake
  2. I got four bottles today at Asda - never noticed it before but it's nae as good as in't funny glass cold from the tap in't Moorings Is it the same stuff (must be methinks 'cause it's got the whole oldest beer in the world schtick going on) but seems to have an extra 'r' on the end whereas I didn't think that the stuff in the Moorings did ?(
  3. I prefer Pro Evolution Soccer 3 I must admit...
  4. I'm toying with making it a 3 day extravaganze in Glasgow with T13, Incubus and then Small Enclosed Area...
  5. I have it but have yet to listen to it sadly. Not sure where it is in the flat and I've got Amen's new album, the Bonesaw EP and the Donside records ones to listen to as well. Futurama boxsets reduced in Asda though so I'm watching them the noo
  6. I can find nothing of it on Internet news and hadn't heard anything about it... *crosses fingers*
  7. Nu-gOTH-Metal stylings ahoy!
  8. Maybe 'cause people go to take a piss when you play? :dunce:
  9. As we speak I'm writing a story - I wanna be on this website!
  10. psydoll


    If it's too loud you're too old as they say.
  11. It's possible I might force people to go down a day early for Incubus to catch this gig. A lucky coincidence in my eyes anyway
  12. You sound like a hardcore or metal band.
  13. Yeah I noticed that too but I've seen some of it and it's a blatantly average programme. 'Diagnosis Murder' owns it.
  14. It's only Monopoly with added racism and guns - I've got Simpsons Monopoly and it's innocent housebuying fun
  15. Did you get the B-Sides collection? Join The Dots? I just wondered if it was worth investing in...
  16. psydoll


    Go to somewhere like Moshulu where the music's hella loud and request something appropriate and then scream along - great practice and the polis will take little or no notice. Do it on the dancefloor if you're feeling bashful It might help if you're angry as well - get a friend to persistently prod you in the side and then run away throughout the night
  17. Aaah weel that leaves me free to go to full Download lineup but was looking forward to the alldayer. Nevermind I guess. I'll console myself with KoRn, Machine Head and Static-X instead
  18. What time will Strobing Goat be onstage on Saturday? I fancy checking them out and I should be heading there anyway. Just means I'll know whether to run or not
  19. So I expect to see everyone in Asda this weekend clutching as many bottles of Jagermeister as you can hold! Huzzah! I used to think it was more exclusive than it is as well - Illicit Still, Drakes, Kef, The Moorings and Drummonds all stock it though.
  20. I thought they were twins? Couldn't some kind of switching places Beano-esque japery take place?
  21. August seems ages away - got a tracklisting we can see? Also wondered if you know who else is playing n London on June 5th? I think Demented Are Go are the only other band I've seen confirmed thus far...
  22. Get it out then lad! The public demands it!
  23. I'm tempted to go but need to be sold slightly more. Desribe the music to a man with a tea cosy on his head.
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