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Everything posted by Spoonie

  1. bastard chaged it!! x-certs - sorry
  2. i've never met either of you, or calderwood for that matter, but i'm gonna come round to your flat uninvited and get all kinds of fucked up and help you clear up by putting your furniture out the window! spoons /x
  3. had i seen this thread earlier, i might have made the effort to enter. oh well!! spoons /x
  4. shit, that's well back in the day! subsist was mikeys band if i rember correctly! those were the days! spoons /x
  5. can't remember which song but charlie watts of all people misses a beat on one of the tracks on the stones 2nd album spoons /x
  6. if i was in aberdeen, that'd be my shit right there!! hope you find the right guy. don't settle for anything less. spoons /x
  7. damn, this is like flying back in time 4 years!! i'm not really qualified to comment these days cos there are a lot of aberdeen bands who i've not heard but i would give mad props to blair quik who, if he got his sound sorted out, could top this kind of poll. he plays a nice bass through a lovely amp but never gets the right sound. less treble dude, less treble!! anyway, my personal favourite would be jordan from the x-certs. he's a devastatingly good bassist and he just gets better and better with no signs of him letting up!! and the 3rd spot could go to either hardcore atom who i grew up with bass playing wise and love or my old chum big bad he's definately got the soul for it! spoons /x
  8. james jamerson jaco pastorius tommy shannon at the moment, although there's a lot to be said for the work of hamm, claypool, flea etc.
  9. the cleaners on sauchiehall street on friday and saturday nights have it worse than that. they roll about it their mini hoover van and all around, neds kick the shit out of each other and the people of glasgow ensure that they're maximising the amount of rubbish that goes on the street!! they go up and down all night, making no imact on the mess whatsoever. spoons /x
  10. start to finish, another classic thread! well done aberdeen-music.com! spoons /x
  11. 8th of may, i might make that.. oh, canada! my bad spoons /x
  12. elvin jones john bonham tommy lee spoons /x
  13. hillhead halls are the dregs of the earth. my ex stayed there for the best part of a year and couldn't handle it. then again, she was going out with me so maybe you shouldn't go with her view ;-) spoons /x
  14. fun and games for all the family! spoons /x
  15. i have no need to drink for social reasons. i'm confident and outgoing enough to deal without it, but i like the taste and sometimes i like to get completely fucked up. the thing is fluffy, are you one of those people who doesn't drink or one of those people who doesn't drink and likes to make a point of it a look on disapprovingly as others monkey around because that'd explain why people try and get u to take a bev. i have no problem with people that don't drink but there's no need to be a cunt and spoil a good time for everyone who does. i can't be arsed with people who look down on others for whatever reason. if it concerns you that people go out and get all kinds of fucked up, stay at home. there's nothing wrong with sticking a bottle of jim beam in ur back pocket and going party jumping round aberdeen and telling stories all the while spoons /x
  16. our school went through a craze of taking elastic bands between your finger and thumb and using them to fire staples at people. one total penis of a girl managed to fire and staple and lodge it into my best friend eye. one of those situations where 1/10 of a mm to the side and he'd probably have been blinded. cue white puss leaking from his eye and then stitches on his eyeball! those were the days! spoons /x
  17. we're the hurricanes, our champion spirit is here to stay the hurricanes, storm time is coming to you today. class. remember the asian dude who played with no shoes. what kind of shit was that? almost as bad as the asian storeman in Bertha called Panjid. doing nothing to help children get a balanced view of the world!! spoons /x
  18. pantera. there's no other option for me. they just rule too much! it goes from screaming emotion to a punishing speed metal onslaught at the drop of a hat and even when you're listening to it and expecting it, it still blows you away. i listen to a fair variety of music and quite a bit of metal in there but panteras output was consistently awesome. these days, the only "metal" band i'm really into are killswitch engage. they're powerful but remain melodic which is something i don't find with many metal bands these days. spoons /x lets not get into a "what is metal" type debate cos it's a waste of time. if you think they're metal, put them down and move on.
  19. no, no ,no. you missed the stars out. that would have capped off a masterpiece!! spoons /x
  20. all of you are blowing whole farms worth of goats. all of you!!! goats being blown for 4 pages!!! what the fuck did you all expect? "oh, i was hoping magnetic shitwand were gonna sneak in top 5 with their seminal dirtcore classic 'space raider machine'" these polls are based on albums that have sold millions of copies and those which are popular at the time. as far as i'm concerned, led zep IV is vastly inferior to a great deal of their other output, but it's got stairway on it and 9/10 people on the street would name that first if you asked them for a led zep song. even someone like nick drake would have been omitted if this poll had been a year back. he became cool again a while back when brad pitt hosted a programme about him on radio 2 and then he appears in this. clearly the beatles were gonna feature pretty highly because of the diversity of their output and the impact it's had. people who watch anything with the title "the 100 greatest....." should not expect to be pleased and shoild not expect to be surprised. these programmes are good for reminding you of things you'd put to the back f your mind and nothing else. they put them on because they fill hours and hours of dead air. spoons /x p.s. no matter how many goats you all blow, the libertines blow more!
  21. what? 'Foot and Mouth' or was that just the limited edition version we dropped into the Grampian TV studios? spoons /x
  22. don't forget that dylan was so impressed by hendrixa arrangement of watchtower that he changed the version he played live himself to echo jimi's. there's no denying that dylan has some skills but i think in this case he realised that the interpretation was superior. there's no shame in that. spoons /x
  23. or you could buy a warehouse. split it into 150 separate soundproofed rooms, fill each one with an ampeg svt classic into an 8x10 cab, 2 mesa boogie triple rectifiers, a 10k PA system and one of those drumkits made from the wood they found at the bottom of that swamp that cost a fortune, all for the price of a 3 hour rehearsal at toms only jesting, i go for the room but i stay for the service :-) spoons /x
  24. Spoonie


    damn straight! it's not like they pretend to play speed metal and people see through their thin disguise and are therefore allowed to be disgusted! they're a pop band. a pop band with great choonz who sold 8million copies of their first album! and 8million people can't be wrong! spoons /x
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