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Everything posted by Spoonie

  1. i moved from the country to glasgow for uni and it was a great choice because i couldn't commute from home. i've loved my time here and it's been fairly easy to move away because all of my friends had to do the same but when your friends all stay near home, it can be harder i guess. i'd suggest you look at the course first because there's no point doing something you'll hate from the start. then think about whether it's financially viable to move away cos that can be a heavy burden. then after that, you got to party in the city for 4 years so make sure it's the kind of city that suits your needs! most big cities have everything and you'll never know for sure till you get there but it's worth thinking about . glasgow is awesome but as maxi has shown, it's not for everyone. it is vastly bigger than aberdeen and therefore you don't have the smalltown atmosphere and you don't see people out so often because there are more places to go, but most people get into a routine and you do see the same faces in the same places after a while. give it plenty of thought tho and don't go with your friends just because they're your friends because it's very impostant to remember that they're your friends because your parents had similar ideas about where hey wanted to raise children and hence you landed at the same school. the friends i have who kick about on these boards are friends because we have shared interests and not simply out of convenience. in the same way, you are instantly on the same page as people who you meet at uni because you've both made the concious decision to go to that uni and stay in those halls. and as they always say, these are the friends you'll have for life! moving away gets you a clean start and you really can decide for yourself what you do and when, which is less the case if you stay at home. but remember not to shit yourself too much about it! you'll manage wherever you end up and whoever you're with. you'll discover that you're stronger than you think! spoons /x
  2. having an album called skull orchard is clearly the most metal thing i've ever experienced!!!! that's awesome! spoons /x
  3. Spoonie


    saw them on thurs at the carling academy. ace! they finished with "it's a long way to the top" by ac/dc but didn't play "man from milwaukee" great show! spoons /x
  4. people can play whatever the fuck instruments they like and to whatever standard they like at whatever style they see fit. i worked my bollocks off with holiday jobs for years and i've got a jap precision, a us precision, a stingray and a warwick, all of which i've paid for myself. if people have parents that will give them shit like that for birthdays and christmasses, good on them. this kind of chat just reeks of jealousy. concentrate on your own shit and let other people worry about theirs. if you don't like their music or you think they're shite at it, don't go and see them, but don't piss and moan cos you have to rake bins for 30 years just to get a new set of strings and they got stuff on a plate. get practicing and turn up as their support act, playing guitars you've fashioned from bin fodder and wipe the floor with them all. spoons /x
  5. was reading about it earlier today. sounds like they've come so close to having something resembling an album and every time it gets scrapped. if it ever comes, it'll be such a colossal disappointment that axl will probably sink even deeper into his malibu estate hideaway and that'll be the last we hear of him. spoons /x
  6. i've never understood the idea of music being relevant. what is it that makes one form of music relevant and another not? it always seems to come down to the age or the length of time it's been around for, meaning that to remain relevant, you'd need to be changing your cd collection every 6 months. why do people feel it necessary to brand others tastes as irrelevant? it might well be the case that bands like motley crue and judas priest are touring one last time to get some money together, but if people like their music and want to see those songs performed by the original lineup, what's the harm in that? it looks as though people who complain about the relevance of genres are always looking for everyone to be trawling through every new release till they find the most obscure and underground thing they can, with this hope that music will suddely become so much better when everyone finds what they're listening to, but lets face it, every generation has had more much shit than good stuff and now is no exception. listen to whatever you want to. fuck what anyone else says. anyone else seeing hanson at the academy tonight? spoons /x
  7. beans are needing spilled! what's the goss? /x
  8. we gave one away at the last quiz, they're sexy little things. i've still got my series one tho, which has the advantage of having mega bomberman, the greatest game of them all! /x
  9. if you want metal celidh choonz, speak to mac or joe atom and get them to let you hear the minidisc i made for them ages ago. it's class! spoons /x
  10. sexy shit! i've got a stingray, a warwick and a couple of fenders but i don't own a decent amp and i've always fancied trying out a modulus. i'd well get a photo of the bass and the amp for the bio section! there aren't any in the photos section which show it off well enough! /x
  11. you see me in the QMU all the time and i never get that reaction. what am i doing wrong?! /x
  12. if you play the equipment that's written in your 'talents' section, i'd come just to check that out! spoons /x
  13. steve sloan, son on dr mark sloan, diagnosis murder! /x
  14. i enjoyed it a lot. just my cup of tea. your vox sound better than on the recorded version i've got! spoons /x
  15. FeSTR ran a 52seater and a minibus (both full) as well as 5 carloads down to perth from laurencekirk when we were in a battle of the bands competition. there were only about 5 people there old enough to drink or get into the venue but i'd bought all the tickets in advance and the guys let them in. we did this 3 times in the same competition (minibus, then 52seater, then combination) and came 4th overall! every time there were people passed out in the street, sick all over the venue etc. and the last time, we drove off with a streetfight in progress behind us! in the semi-final, we recorded more points than any other band had ever received in the competition due to having so many people with us and playing a kick ass set. that night we had a guy dressed as a lion, another as a bear, 2 dancers in hotpants, bikinis and cowboy hats and the band themeselves were all in suits, except me who was topless, wearing a bright orange bolier suit tied round the waist, and with a hockey mask on! there wasn't even a reason for my ridiculous outfit. seems strange looking back! those were the days! spoons /x
  16. great band! FeSTR started out as a bluetones covers band. superb! as for jamesy, he got a 'worst band' award and then went on a crazy rant, possibly fuelled by alcohol. count yourselves lucky he never burned the place down with everyone inside! spoons /x
  17. anyway, like hog says spoons /x i really need to get my final year computing project written up and stop abusing the forums!
  18. look, i apologised to the staff of that bird sanctuary! i've done my time! spoons /x
  19. not wanting to stir stuff up but i was reading other threads far away that only i can read and i cme across this: like i say, i'm not one for trouble, i just thought you deserved to know! spoons /x
  20. aye, it's true - everyone is jealous of everyone else. a sad truth anyway, i quite enjoyed listening to stayover. THREAD CLOSED man, i wish i was a moderator spoons /x
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