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Everything posted by Spoonie

  1. me and the 2 guys get on well as friends but over the past couple of years it's degenerated quite a lot because of all the mess and stuff. every time anything about it is mentioned, i always get the same bullshit excuse about "it's a student flat, not a palace" which makes me want to ram a biro into someones kidney. my room is tidy and hoovered and i know where everything is. in contrast, one of the guys i share with has a room which looks like the carpet has been replaced with a fine blend of faeces and tobacco and the other lives in what looks like a dirty clothes dump. the lease ran out at the start of april and we're only really here till the exams pass and we decide what we're doing over summer so i think it's goodbye when that's over. the other thing that really gets my goat is the fact that we rent the flat from a guy who's a bit shit at getting things done but apart from that, he's a good guy. the place and been newly decorated when we moved in and he'd put in a new kitchen including all appliances and a new bathroom suite and the two guys i share with treat it without an ounce of repect. i made a point of asking when i wanted to make 8 tiny holes to put up hangers for my basses on the wall and the guy was absolutely fine with it, but the other guys drilled holes into the doorframe for the kitchen (without mentioning it to me, let alone the landlord) to put up a chin-up bar which is never used and then at halloween, one of them got dressed up as batman and was swinging on the thing like a prick and kicked in the window above the door!! luckily he got showered in glass and ended up in hospital which made me smile. this is just the start of the list tho! and the last flat we were in, we left with just under a months notice cos he landlord tried to hike the price for the next year, and we lost a 700 deposit, party for that., but also for a variety of reasons which included one of the guys kicking the shit out of a wardrobe because he didn't want it in his room and stealing a couple of shitty chairs which sat unused in out new flat for a couple of months and then kit smashed to bits and put in the bin. unfortunately, last year we had to move just before exam time and found a flat right around the corner which was the reason why i never found somewhere else. thankfully this time i'll be able to look about and hopefully get an alternative sorted out. when you're a full time student working about 15hours a week in a part-time job, while hosting a radio show, 2 pub quizzes and sitting on the board of management at your union, while trying to maintain a relationship with your girlfriend, it's not always the first thing on your mind to come in and clean the flat at night, but i ALWAYS make the effort to clean up after me, even if it's just scraping the food into the bin and rinsing the dishes so they're easy to do the next night when i have a chance, yet one flatmate who has no job and takes part in no extra curricular activities seems incapable of moving from his seat for long enough to wipe down the worktops or clean the kitchen floor!! as you can see, it's been an ordeal!! the last couple of months have been marginally better because the main offender has got a girlfriend and thus seems to view the situation differently, but it's never easy!
  2. Steve Louw & Big Sky - Chainsaw Blues
  3. sorry man, just hooked u up with another negative for not being ben /x
  4. i don't think i could be much closer to the end of that line if i was dead!!! spoons /x
  5. i remember this one time i was heading to norma's to get some 'licco' (anyone else remember that?!) and this '64 impala rolled up along side and the fools started throwing up gang signs, so i went for my glock but the punk in the back seat had an AK and buried about 20 rounds in me, including 16 in the chest. now for some reason, i'd left my vest at home, so this was some serious shit. i was blown back against the wall through the trolley that the bread delivery men used to drop their goods off at the shop, but luckily i had my glock in hand and that shit's not got a safety, so i dropped those fools pretty fast. lost a lot of blood that day, but i kept my honour. went over my ankle once too. that's right sore. spoons /x
  6. KT is the bollocks! got the EP and then the album and it's pure gold. i'll be seeing her at the carling acacdemy in may as well i'd think. i'm also getting hold of some of her unreleased pre-album stuff because a friend of man is working with her producer. sexy shit! spoons /x
  7. japanese fender stuff is great but typically does need a little bit of attention before you get the best out of it. i've got a '62 reissue precision and the pickups were scabby as fuck so i piled in some EMGs and put on a badass II bridge and now it's a fucking demon!! hope you get it sorted spoons /x
  8. got a metronome so i'm good in that respect! will loko about for that james jamerson book and if you come across anything else after the move, stick it up here cos i'm coming to the end of university and i'd really like to devote more time to getting back into the groove, so to speak, and regaining some of the old magic!
  9. it's a tough one. makes me wish i'd learned to sight read when i started playing keyboards when i was little or even when i started playing bass. it'd have stood me in much better stead, but at the same time, i'm only 21 so there's plenty of time to pick up the books and get it done. i can read music, just not particularly well. any particular books you'd recommend? spoons /x
  10. A film from the makers of Celebrity Deathmatch. Featuring the mighty Crue. Check out the trailer here: http://www.disasterthemovie.com/promos/motley.htm Well it made me laugh! spoons /x "Fornication"
  11. i'll bet it is! I started getting lessons from an old jazz guy a couple of years ago down here but I didn't have time to keep it up. it's fantastic fun, wish i wasn't in financial crisis and then i'd have no need for a job and I could have kept going with it.
  12. aye, you're a bit of a beast!! been a long time since i've seen you play tho, wonder if you've lost the edge!! ;-) spoons /x
  13. "This stuff'll make you a god damn sexual tyrannosaurus Just like me" I'm in! spoons /x
  14. nikki sixx is the coolest looking motherfucker on the planet! everyone knows that!! and what about duff mcKagan. badass!! spoons /x
  15. there's certainly a campness about ben on stage but as has been said, that's part of the reason he's a developing into a good frontman. not seen weapon for a while tho, so he might have turned into a butch monster on stage, like the boy from stamping ground!! spoons /x
  16. i really enjoyed it too! well worth a look team! spoons /x
  17. aye, as soon as the topic of drummers came up, he popped right into my head! spoons /x
  18. there will never be another piece of music written by anyone i know that will have the same effect on me as the first time i heard 'empty sky.' i listened to it once on belmont street one night on joes MD player, but first the time i actually listened to it properly was at the following new year. the intro is devastatingly good. imagine that played at donnington or rio or somewhere else suitably huge that atom deserve to play. awesome! apart from that, my favourite bits are the ones where erskine goes skiing and i get to play bass there's not been one of those for a long while tho!! spoons /x
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